
Shane Rogers 0:00
I'm so excited that that we get to gather today on this very unique occasion. And, obviously, we have a Facebook Live. And then there's a live audience, just a few folks that came out to be sort of the live studio audience. And this is a very special day, in the midst of a very unique time in our nation. And so welcome. My name is Shane. And this is our Heart church live stream, we typically meet at 10am, on Sunday at 215 Hickory Street, and if you're joining us, and maybe you've never attended, then shortly when we start our public gatherings again, we'd love to see you but for now, I hope that you really enjoy this unique service that we're broadcasting live. And so I'm just going to pray. And then this is Dylan. And he's our worship leader. He's amazing guy. And he's put together a specific set just for this moment. And so we bow your heads and close your eyes as we just step into this moment in prayer. Father, God, thank You that nothing that's taking place in our nation catches you by surprise. That Jesus, you go before us, you had just in and before and God that you are completely in control. And so Jesus, I asked for those of us here, as well as those of us who are listening online, that we would step into this moment and encounter you, Jesus, I thank you that it's in moments like these that, that our faith comes alive, that the church thrives. Lord, we have hope that doesn't disappoint. We have a hope that's not conditional on the stock market or what's happening in the in the nation. But Lord you are our anchor that cannot be moved and so it's with that Jesus that we put our eyes on you we reach out with love to one another and we thank you Jesus that you are in control that we give you praise. Amen Amen come on join us as we worship

Unknown Speaker 2:13
smiling from the car strange and lovely sound here it is swinging in the sky like cannons in the nine agreed in my star who you would still love forever My heart is seeing beautiful beautiful song Galaxy it's reaching far beyond the Milky Way let's join in with the sound come on let's sing it out or sing you breed and my steel see you great you Power is your power your power for ever seen a game raise your tower star who you are seeing worth seeing if you are pro you create and markets

Unknown Speaker 6:33
moon in the stone who you know I'm so on work still forever Maha seen you You are good your mind he's eager Who is like You know no one like you it's snowing like you can compare to you ou can come see you worthy of every song we could ever see worthy of all the praise we could ever be worthy of every birth we could ever live for You

Unknown Speaker 8:37
Jesus the name of Jesus see only one kiddos See Worthy of every breath we could ever live for you. Oh there is no one lie to you. There is none besides all by easy work. Show me who you are and show me with your heart in me in your love to.

Unknown Speaker 9:44
Worthy of every song we get worthy of all the worthy Seeing Jesus Jesus the name of Jesus he only was worthy of every we could ever be see Mary's and no one lie you there is a nun nice

Unknown Speaker 10:53
bye easy no show me with your art you show me who you are you're the guy if you will be shaped be shaken by you there is no oh my show me who you are in filming with your you build on your ad day you die build upon your Healy's firm foundation he you and will not be shaken shoo shoo woo whoa whoa hey the shaky foundation plays my life in your head you are worthy worthy worthy of all that? not lie this turns you so cute darkness here loving kindness it's almost you this shy Oh

Unknown Speaker 18:49
my so do kiss me the misery it's Jesus cries Wajdi Jin Soo Brito mercy, Harker search boundless rays god of ages sent down from glory to bear my pet Hi there are queuing up calls me Jose you're from yours Jesus Christ by heavy you said the three C's grip on me you broke in every man's salvation your name JESUS CHRIST my

Unknown Speaker 20:48
bow razor oh god you said me Bree I lost his career Bonnie you broke in every shape their salvation to your name Jesus Christ

Unknown Speaker 21:25
gave that seal you bury body vegans who breed the silence though roaring law and declare the Gree has no claim on Kane county that CO fraud is your bury body we can

Unknown Speaker 22:30
role Jesus here was his raise oh you said the free grip on me you broke in every chain They're selfish salvation in your name JESUS CHRIST Miley raised you send me free has a lawsuit on me. You broke in nappy change your name JESUS CHRIST JESUS tries Jesus Christ wow

Philip Jordan 24:03
are living hope. Jesus Christ is our living hope. If you don't believe that, Lord, come on now. That's so good. Thank you for everyone's here right now. So good to remember that God is our hope. And he has broken the chains of death for us. He's taking that away from us that fear. But in the face of what's happening with COVID-19 and the Coronavirus. I know there's a lot of fear around and concern simply for our families, or our grandparents and parents, our kids and our grandkids and rightfully so to have some of that concern. But in the midst of that our president claimed today as a National Day of Prayer for us. So here we are as Christians rallying together today to say today is a day not to be fearful, but to praise our Lord who's above us and has this in control right now. It's awesome. So what you see a lot going on right now in this world is a lot of churches are postponing temporarily. Our our regular weekly gatherings together, obviously keep people safe. But in the midst of that they're hustling his last three days to find a way to deliver our messages to all of you through things like webcasting. Like you're experiencing right now, which is amazing. But I want you to all take that thought and just imagine, there are millions of people right now around this nation, who are gathering together with their families in their homes huddled around a screen, a monitor, a laptop, a phone, just leaning into what God has to say about this situation. But we want to make sure what's really important is leading to what, what God has to say about himself in this situation. So in knowledge of that, I really want to take a second and read Psalm 91 for us so we can see who are fortresses. Who is the one that we set our lives on top of. It's not our circumstances, this Jesus. So let's read that together right now. Psalm 91, who dwells in the shelter of the Most High is able is will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, my refuge and my fortress, my God and whom I trust, for He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions and under his wings, you will find refuge His faithfulness is a shield and a buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence, the stalks and the darkness nor the destruction that wastes at noon day 1000 may fall your side 10,000 Your right hand bit will not come near you. You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked, because you have made the Lord your dwelling pace. The Most High is my refuge. No evil shall be allowed to befall, you know, play come near your tent, For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. on their hands, they will they will bear you up lest you strike your foot against the stone. You will tread on the line in the ad or the young lion in the serpent, you will trample underfoot. And here's where God's going to talk to you. Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him, I will protect him because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him, I will be with him in trouble. I will rescue him and honor him with a long life I will I will satisfy him and show him my salvation. Hallelujah. I can think of a better cry out right now in the midst of the circumstances to God, that He is our strength. He is the one protecting us in these days. So can you please bow your heads and close your eyes as we pray together? Father God, You were awesome. We love you and we praise you and thank you for the opportunity to praise and senior grace. We love you, Lord, please take these crazy circumstances and turn them to opportunity for you to show your amazing call into our lives. To lean into you, Lord, in the midst of this struggle. What a magic you can make out of things like this God taking people rallying around each other. What a beautiful place for your spirit to just call us up into what you have for us, God. Take away our fear God, let us lay that at your feet with that in your capable hands with our empty hands raised them to you, Lord, because you are great and mighty. You are our Healer, You are our comforter, you are our strength. We will just rest in that God give us rest and peace today we ask for you. And you alone, Jesus. And it's your name we pray. Amen. Amen. Let me off. Bring up pastor Shane right now to begin our service.

Shane Rogers 28:09
Man, wow, that was so powerful. Thank you so much to Phil. He took a long time to really prepare his heart for this moment. And I feel like the words that he's spoken, what's going on in our nation is so profound. And I believe in that wholeheartedly. Thank you, Dylan for just really preparing your heart to lead us, man and right there in wherever you are in your living room qual let's just celebrate these guys. They can feel it in their spirit. I appreciate it a lot.

Shane Rogers 28:39
Well, as I said, my name is Shane, and I am the lead pastor here along with my wife, Heather. And I want to just share from my heart, I changed my message on Thursday afternoon, which I mean, I've kind of in contact with about 15 other pastors that are friends of mine, either here or other places and kind of they're on the same boat. We were in a series, entitled, The Gifted. And last week we started that series talking about the gifts that God's given us. We took a gift test and kind of got all fired up. And on Thursday, I'm like leaning into part two of this series. And you know, everything sort of started to hit the fan in our world. Schools got canceled. My wife's a teacher here in St. And Escondido and her school got canceled for the next month, along with a lot of other things. And then we went to Costco. And that was an experience. And I thought, yeah, I need to I need to lean into what the Spirit is saying to the church. And so I'm not saying I have a message to to the church at large, but I feel like I have a message for our church, our community and if you call Heart Church home over so glad you came to join us via webcast and if you're here in Escondido and looking for hope, looking for a community, we'd love to be that for you. And we'll be that for you online for the next couple of weeks and then we'll Come back up, God willing, if you're somewhere else in the country, we just we just love you and hope that this is a source of hope for you. But I titled my message, Be anxious for nothing. And I did that nothing font about as big as I could get, because I want it to be an emphasis, like Be anxious for nothing. And that's easier said than done in moments like these, but I just like, I love that picture of that lion because I can tell you right now that line is not anxious. He's at the top of the food chain, not anxious. He's just chillin. And I pray that that would be our posture, that we have this this confidence, the Bible says that the fools run when no one's chasing them, but godly, the righteous are as bold as a lion. And, and I'd say that that's that's the face of, of boldness. Because he knows something. And and I believe you and I have that same hope we know something. And I, I know that Scripture is familiar, because Be anxious for nothing is in the Bible. And we're gonna start as just kind of the foundation. And then I'm going to teach from a passage, a story of Jesus and the disciples and one of their anxious moments. But we're gonna start out by just kind of reading Philippians chapter four, this is the New King James Version. And it says, Be anxious for nothing. but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God. And let the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. And I think that if we're honest, we're all searching for this elusive peace. That's why you're anxious because you don't have peace in whatever circumstance or situation. But it's a promise to us. And and we're going to go after that today. So with that being said, I want to open up to John chapter 20. John chapter 20. And this is this is a story of when the disciples are dealing with the reality that Jesus was crucified. And they are freaking out. And so we're gonna pick up in John chapter one, it'll be up on the screen. This is the ESV translation it says, Now, on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb maj in that moment. So she ran and went to Simon Peter and the other disciples, the one whom Jesus loved and said to them, they have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they put him. So Peter went out the other disciples, and they went, and they were going towards the tomb. Both of them were running together, but the other disciples outran Peter and reached the tomb tomb first, stooping and unmarried and stooping into look, he saw the linen clothes lying there, he did not go in. Then Simon Peter came and followed him and went into the tomb. Skipping down to verse 10, then the disciples went back to their homes, we're gonna come back to that. But Mary, stood weeping outside the tomb. And as she wept, she was stooping into look into the tomb, and she saw two angels in white sitting where the body of Jesus had lain, one in the head and one of the feet, they said to her Woman, why are you weeping? And she said to them, they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him. Having said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing.

Shane Rogers 33:43
But she did not know that it was Jesus, Skipping down to verse 16. And Jesus said to her, marry one powerful word, Mary, when she turned and said to him, realizing who it was teacher, to, oh my gosh. And and she ran and got the disciples it said, actually says, I didn't put it up here. But it actually says in verse 19, on the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews. So in this moment, when, when, when, when Mary's encountering Jesus, the disciples are literally quarantining themselves in their house and locking the door for fear, I think we can relate with that in a unique way right now. And, and so I want to, I want to I want to teach from the subject, Be anxious for nothing, as I said, and we have a choice. And our choice is that we're either going to react in fear or we're going to respond In faith, simple idea. But hard to do. We're going to react in fear as we navigate the season in our, in our nation. And some people say all this is gonna be, you know, blown over and a couple of weeks and other people will be like this is gonna change the face of the planet. I don't know which to go with. I just know today, we have a choice. I mean, there's a whole lot of things we can't control in this moment. But we can control? Are we going to react? Or respond? Are we going to come from a place of fear? Or are we going to come from a place of faith. And so we're going to kind of dive in to that. And so unpacking the Scripture a little bit, obviously, the disciples like they're freaking out. At this point, they don't believe Jesus is gonna be raised from the dead. Like it says, in the Scripture, they don't even remember he said that they are freaking out and reacting to the reality that they put all their eggs into the basket that died. And now the Romans are coming after him, like they're reading the and even the Jews for that matter are coming after them. And they're reading the planet of Christians, because their leaders dead, and the disciples are freaking out. This is the moment we find themselves in. And so in light of that, I love verse four, it says, So Peter went out with the other disciples, and they were going toward the tomb. Both of them were running together. But the one disciple outran Peter, and reach to the tomb. First, I just don't like, first of all, it's kind of classic, you know, I mean, again, their world is falling apart. And they are there, they've made it a competition racing one another who can get to the gym first. And they put it in Scripture. So the 2000 years later, we know who won. I mean, like, I just think God gives us total sense of humor, he must just be laughing at how we react sometimes. And the reality is that sometimes our reactions can be can be, you know, a come from fear. And this story reminded me of my store my journey to Costco. Because I'm, you know, this is crazy. But reality. And listen, I'm not saying that there isn't some wisdom to you know, stockpiling some stuff. And you know, again, again, I'm sort of making fun. But again, we're talking about the place that we're coming from, either from fear or from faith. And so this was not my personal experience. That's what I got online. But it was somebody's experience out of Costco. When I went to Costco, it was similar to this where people are just, and here's what I came to. When fear causes us to react in a certain way, and I put this fear reacts in self preservation.

Shane Rogers 38:03
Fear causes us to react in self preservation, we're thinking about me, like, oh, my gosh, am I going to be okay? And then, like Peter, and John, like, they're literally racing to the turn tomb who can get there first? Because I gotta take care of me. Because when I'm freaking out, that's what I think about. I think about me. And another picture of Costco. I don't know what it is with toilet paper. But that's a commodity right now. I mean, if you go on eBay, like it's expensive to get some toilet paper, but again, just as an example, of we're just, we're freaking out. Like, what if I don't have enough toilet paper? Oh, my gosh, right. And so we're just like, the, the, the shelves are empty, because people are reacting. And, and so we see the opposite spirit in Mary, because it says, oh, so self preservation is our attempt to achieve peace through security. But real peace comes through trust, not the illusion of security. I think that's interesting. Because self preservation truly is our desire to reach a sense of peace through, I got to get security for me, and I'm going to go get that. And if for some people, that's toilet paper, I'm just gonna go get me some security. And if I get security, then maybe it will give me a sense of peace. But we all know that it's an illusion. Because Can we just count for a moment? How many things we can't control? Right? How many illusions of security we have when we don't have security at all, and so and so we either react with self preservation, or we just decide you know what, I have something I can trust in and it's not my ability to keep me safe. It's not my ability to keep me secure. If I'm trusting in that, then I will never reach peace. So it starts with trust. We're going to lean in that for a minute, because I believe that the other character in the Bible had that. And it's interesting and it's Mary. And so we see Mary in John chapter 20. She's a verse 1011 says, the disciples went back to their homes, freaking out locking the doors, but Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. Mary didn't run. And yet she was weeping. And yet she was afraid. And I find that interesting, because I think oftentimes, when when it comes to fear or faith, we think that if we feel emotions of fear that we've somehow lost that somehow we're not, we're not godly. And yet fear is an emotion. And frankly, it's an emotion God gave no he hasn't given us a spirit of fear, which means that we don't respond in that way. But we have feelings, just like Mary did. I mean, it just in this passage alone, it says that Mary was weeping like five times the disciples were like, Why are you weeping? The angels are like, Why are you weeping Jesus? Why are you weeping? This lady is a basket case. And yet she stood. She leaned in, she didn't react or respond. And I wrote this faith says, I trust God. More than I trust my emotions. I trust God, more than I trust the feelings that I have. Because the feelings are real. I mean, how many of us have been afraid? A lot? How many? How many times have we been afraid this week? A lot. Those emotions come up. And then and then we choose to respond, or react. And what Mary is saying is, you know, I have emotions of fear.

Shane Rogers 42:12
But I'm going to choose to trust I'm gonna choose to trust. See, the emotion of fear is real. It just has no power

Shane Rogers 42:27
over you. What do we give power to in our lives? What have you given power to in the last 48 hours that causes you to react. And I believe that the Spirit of the Lord would say, fear has no power over you. You can feel it. And then you can say, You know what?

Shane Rogers 42:54
I'm going to trust because there's something greater than my ability to preserve myself and create a false sense of security, I can trust in the one who cannot be moved. I love the fact that Mary was freaking out, like, oh, my gosh, Jesus was was moved, he was taken. And we know, just as it was then is now God can't be moved, not by the Coronavirus, not by the stock market, not by Roman soldiers. Like you can't move God. He is in control. And that's the one we put our trust in.

Shane Rogers 43:39
Another observation in the midst of go back real quick. Another observation in the midst of Mary, as she's trusting is that Mary got to see things that no one else got to see. See, when we are me focused, reacting in fear, then we get tunnel vision. We all know what I'm talking about, like you had tunnel vision before in your life. Maybe you've had it this week. But all you can see is the immediate because the walls are coming in, down around you. It's kind of like how I feel when I feel claustrophobic. Like I have a fear of small spaces. I tried to wrestle in high school and it just doesn't work because I don't like small spaces. Anybody with me? Like I I hate it when I am in a you know, really small space. And that's how we feel when anxiety starts is that we feel confined, and then we get tunnel vision and we lose perspective about the world and about our life and about what really matters. And as Mary is refusing to live and allow power to her emotions of fear, and leaning in, she got to see something that no one else saw. She was the first person to see Jesus resurrected. Come on. I mean, if that's not a story, she says that Mary saw Jesus. And I just wonder what would God want? us to see during this time that maybe no one else is seeing because they're freaking out over toilet paper at Costco. And there's a world around us. And we have an opportunity. And I, and I couldn't help but get excited because yesterday, we had an event that we had promoted as a church and it got canceled. And for good reason, there was another church that was partnering, and they just thought like it for the public, it should be canceled. But the reality is, this outreach was to a group of apartment complexes, and these people are in need now more than ever. And we had planned to deliver a bunch of groceries to them. And so we just decided, You know what, even though the events canceled, we're going to go get the food. And we're going to, we're going to feed people and love on people. And we're going to use wisdom, we're going to clean our hands. And you know, and do that, but and we're going to ask people that aren't feeling well, to stay home. But for the rest of us, we're going to go and we're gonna serve. And here's a picture of, of what we did. This was yesterday. And, and it was so incredible, because these are the kinds of things that we can see when we're not hunkered down in our, you know, in our fear, to be able to open up our eyes, and listen, maybe you don't feel comfortable going out into a public venue that that's okay. It doesn't mean that you're losing the battle for fear, because there's some wisdom there. But I can promise you that if you allow the Lord to open up your perspective and not live in fear, then you're going to be able to see some things that God would have you to see. And they're going to be opportunities to minister to people who don't have the anchor that you have in the storm. last idea, as we close, this is going to be like the shortest mesh message of all time, everyone's gonna be like, yeah, thank you, Jesus. But I want to land on something profound that I saw in the story. And it came from me asking the question, Why did Mary stay? I mean, the people that ran were Jesus closest companions. And they were with Jesus trusted Jesus. And Mary stayed in it. And I began to understand it when I realized which Mary it was. And we started out by reading that it was Mary Magdalene. And this is what it says about Mary Magdalene. It's not Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, I've actually been to the city that she grew up in. And this is what happened in that city. In Luke chapter eight, Jesus had cast out seven demons from the woman, her name was Mary Magdalene. So this was years before Mary had her life absolutely transformed by this person, that she was standing, waiting to see what's going to happen. So this wasn't, this wasn't a woman that just got to see the miracles. This wasn't a woman that hung out and, and and loved on, you know, the the people and got to be with Jesus and see stuff, her life was transformed miraculously, by this person, Jesus and I, I wrote this, our faith will always lead us to a personal encounter with our Savior, CIA. I don't think this is just about not living in fear. And I don't even think it's just about being able to see the needs around us. But I think that in times like these in the storm,

Shane Rogers 48:34
God becomes real in a way that he wasn't real before. He meets us when we lean into faith and trust. He meets us in places that are so profound. So it's not just that Mary got to see Jesus first. She had this encounter, once again, with the person that had delivered her she knows personally firsthand the miracle working God and I don't know about you, but I know firsthand the miracle working God and I know that a Coronavirus is no match for my Creator, snow match. I know how powerful our God is. And I love what takes place. Next, Cece, Mary is freaking out. And she's like, I don't know what happened to him. And she thinks it's the gardener and then there's angels there. And then Jesus comes and she sees him and she doesn't know it's him. And so Jesus, in His effort to call out Mary so that she knows who it is that's talking to her. He says, the most profound word that Mary has ever heard. Jesus said to her, Mary. She turned and said, Teacher, Jesus, it's you, gardener, it's you. And I was just thinking to myself I wonder what Jesus said to her those years before, when she was bound by those seven, not one, seven demons. And Jesus came to her and delivered her. I wonder how profound it was when Jesus said to her, Mary Perry, you're in there, call you out, come experience my life and my goodness. And here, Mary is all these years later, and she's in the she's in the garden, and she's freaking out, and Jesus comes, and he doesn't put on a dog and pony show, he simply leans in and says, Mary, I'm here, it's me, the same God, the same miracle working God is here. And the planet was changed, we were changed. In this moment, I just believe that Jesus would want to call your name, I'm here. Still Small Voice. He's not in the chaos. Quit looking for a big sign. Quit scrolling YouTube and looking at all the videos and getting freaked out like quiet yourself. Choose to not allow fear to not to have any power over you. And then simply listen to the still small voice, that still calling your name. He loves you. He's for you. He is in control. We bow your heads and close your eyes for a moment. And I want to give you an opportunity, wherever you are. To respond to the God calling your name. And I want to take an opportunity for those who maybe are far from God. Maybe you found this video on Facebook and just thought man, maybe they're offering some hope. And I want to tell you today that we do have hope. And the hope is in our church that the hope is an organization and the hope isn't some good news that we have about the economy. The hope is a person and his name is Jesus, and he's calling your name. And he would simply say if you believe in me that you can have eternal life and peace today. A peace that passes understanding. And so if you'd like to respond to that, we just say this prayer after me say Lord Jesus, I'm a sinner in need of a Savior. Come into my heart. I make you lord and savior. Change me. And I will live for you. From this moment on. In Jesus name. A man If you prayed that prayer, we believe that you became born again, you are a new creation and fear and death and the grave have no power over you. And you can live from this point on in victory. I want to close this morning by inviting you to do what we're gonna do here in this small little five studio gathering that we have. And that's to allow a worship song to minister to you. And it's something that we've sort of been doing as a church that we really just been enjoying. And it's

Shane Rogers 53:34
the feel, can you go to the next slide so I can show people, it's the blessing. And I would just encourage you when the stream is done that you'd go on YouTube and find the blessing by carry job. And it's 12 minutes long. It will absolutely change your life. Because it's straight scripture speaking the heart of God a blessing over you, over your family, over your kids. And that is our heart as a church for you, for our community and for our nation right now on this special National Day of Prayer. God bless you and we'll see you online Facebook Live next week. We got together with Pastor Chris and Pastor Steven

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