
Shane Rogers 0:00
All right. Good morning, Heart, church. And everybody that's live. Man, I'm so excited that we get to do this. Welcome, right where you are at Facebook. I'm just gonna kind of chat for a few minutes as people are jumping on. My name is Shane Rogers, and Hart church pastor here, along with my wife, Heather, who's at home with our daughter, Haley. And it looks like they've got the coffee and doughnuts. I want to give just a couple shout outs. Amber, thanks for jumping on Crystal, Virginia. Hey, I wanted to remind you guys to use that comment section. Because again, in light of what we have going on here, with the social distancing, that Dylan and I are doing, this is our community. So whether or not you're tuning in from Escondido, somewhere in San Diego or even way up in Washington, shout out to my brother, Melissa Aiden, I saw you guys we're on here in Puyallup Washington. Welcome. So glad you guys are here. Love you guys. And yeah, it looks like Amy's on Amy Jordan. Linda, shout out to you, Kristen. By the way, Kristen, who's Dylan's wife. This is Dylan. Everybody. Say Hi, Dylan. Everyone's saying hi to you. Online. social distancing. But it Dylan's wife, Kristin manages our social media platform. And so she's kind of going to be facilitating conversations. It's a great place also to submit prayer requests. So everybody go ahead and share that. Share this live party so everyone can kind of know where we're at. And then use those comments to post prayer requests. Yeah, so good grace, stone, or Sloane. So good to see you. Kailyn Thornton is watching from Texas. Wow, awesome. to have you on here. We just love you guys. We got Mike here on the drums. He's awesome. And then of course, Adam. Hi, Adam. Adam is definitely practicing social distancing. But we're really excited about what God has for us. And so Hey, as we sort of prepare our hearts, I want to pray. And just believe that God's getting ready to do something supernatural. And just imagine that across the nation, people are gathering in homes and in bedrooms, living rooms, some people driving on the car watching tuning in. Everywhere, across the nation, people are doing this right here. And we're just believing that even in the midst of a situation like this, we can come together socially, and encounter the Lord. And so will you bow your heads and close your eyes wherever you're at and follow God we just choose to fix our eyes on you. We fix our gaze upon the one they have which is our anchor and our hope. And so I just ask just in the next few moments, even despite the fact that we're not gathering physically, Jesus that your love would permeate every living room every bedroom God that we would encounter you like never before in this moment for such a time as this and we thank you for him and Jesus name amen come on let's worship with us.

Unknown Speaker 4:05
worship our worship you are here working in this place of worship our worship you are here moving in our worship our sheep you are here our way we make miracle work. Promise keeper light in the darkness oh my god that is

Unknown Speaker 5:06
you are away man we make a miracle worker promise he lied in the darkness oh my god that is

Unknown Speaker 5:28
worship healing

Unknown Speaker 5:51
Lloyd's earning lives around Robbie's keeper lied WaveMaker mirik Rami ski

Unknown Speaker 6:39

Unknown Speaker 6:46
we make the record on this line in the dark by God

Unknown Speaker 7:01
that is that is

Unknown Speaker 7:55
even when I don't see your work in here even when I don't feel it your work and he never stop you never stop working never stop you never stop again even when I don't see your work in even when I feel it you're good you never stop you never stop

Unknown Speaker 8:20
stop never stop

Unknown Speaker 8:24
see is your

Unknown Speaker 8:28
job Stop stop stop he never stopped

Unknown Speaker 8:51
waymaker Mira couture Ramiz, keep light in the darkness oh my god, that is you who

Unknown Speaker 9:01

Unknown Speaker 9:05
waymaker Mira core. Ramiz, keep light in the darkness Oh my god.

Unknown Speaker 9:13
That is

Unknown Speaker 9:20
waymaker never go back on your promises you're waymaker you're the Trailblazer

Unknown Speaker 9:43
you always find new way the way you always find you can always find new way You always find

Unknown Speaker 10:17
waymaker Ramiz ski riding miracle

Unknown Speaker 10:47

Unknown Speaker 11:05
that is

Unknown Speaker 11:20
it's who you are, it's who you are

Shane Rogers 11:37
you know, as I mentioned before, we really want to tackle prayer requests, things that are going on, obviously, there's a lot of people that are being affected and some more than others. And so I just want to recognize this moment as we just pause for a moment in our busyness of self quarantine, and just really go to the Lord in prayer. And I'm thinking about the people that call her church home in particular, and the needs that that I'm aware of, but there's a lot more that I'm not even aware of. And we just need to know that we're lifting you guys up. Those people that maybe don't call Heart Church home yet, maybe you're an Escondido, maybe you're tuning in, and you're just kind of like, Man, I'm trying to find some hope and make sense of all this. Or maybe you're tuning in from somewhere else in the country. We just want you to know that we're really contending as a church for God to show up in profound ways. And as I was thinking about that, I was just thinking about Ephesians chapter three, and I want to read the Scripture to you. And it's Paul, and it's kind of his prayer, and, and consequently, our prayer this morning, and it says, in Verse 14, for this reason, I bow my knees to the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named there according to the riches of his glory, he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit, in your inner being. I mean, I'll tell you what, like, I don't know about you, but I need that right now I need strength in my inner being. It doesn't come from anywhere else, but the Holy Spirit. And that's what we're praying for. And that's what we're going after it says, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, that you being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend, with all the saints, the width, and length and height of the love of God, that you may be filled with the fullness of God. And then he says now to him, not our government, not our president of the world, not your friends to him, the one who holds it all together, the one that we are casting our gaze on. Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all we could ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory to the church, and in Christ Jesus through all generations. Father God as we come to you this morning, we not only come to celebrate and to lift your name up the gods, some of us come heavy hearted and whether it's just general anxiety and worry, or if it's practical things like employment, finances, God, maybe loved ones that are struggling with illnesses or at risk. And so Jesus says with those things that we come to you and Father, we thank you that you are a miracle working God you hold all things in the palm of your hand and we trust you. You're still working. We give you praise for that. In Jesus name,

Unknown Speaker 15:17
was more

Unknown Speaker 15:19
lies when

Unknown Speaker 15:25
the claim is three three

Unknown Speaker 15:31
King love a good enough slide Darcie stay in history

Unknown Speaker 15:46
they are on the cross they may receive

Unknown Speaker 15:53
re recurs as well its own final need was not the end

Unknown Speaker 16:14
the PSA oh

Unknown Speaker 16:59
she is

Unknown Speaker 17:16
there wasn't sky

Unknown Speaker 17:42
Azzam around the wall

Unknown Speaker 18:20
Oh Hey Oh

Unknown Speaker 18:30

Unknown Speaker 18:49

Unknown Speaker 19:06

Unknown Speaker 19:25

Unknown Speaker 19:51
crying out

Unknown Speaker 20:16

Unknown Speaker 20:19

Unknown Speaker 20:23

Unknown Speaker 20:31
thing no

Unknown Speaker 20:34

Unknown Speaker 20:38

Unknown Speaker 20:46

Unknown Speaker 20:49

Unknown Speaker 20:54
Oh Hey

Unknown Speaker 21:01
oh hey she see

Unknown Speaker 22:31
Am I Geez Oh jeez see your oh geez

Unknown Speaker 23:15

Unknown Speaker 23:30
see your work

Shane Rogers 23:40
you know when we first started our church this was about two years ago Heart Church here in Escondido I started a home the Goodmans home amazing people and I know there was like 20 of us and sometimes there's 15 Sometimes there's 25, but we're kind of huddled up in the in the living room and we had an acoustic guitar and, and we would sing and for the first like six months, we didn't even have a speaker we didn't plug in it was literally acapella live. And it was like some of the most precious times because we all learned how to just like sing it out. And Adam was there. And I love Adams voice. It's amazing. Because because he's a worshiper and so I just want to go into that course one more time. And I just kind of want us to pretend like we're back and like, those of you who are there know what I'm talking about. But if you weren't there, you can sort of be there in spirit. And just we're just gonna sing this chorus one more time. And I just want us to pretend like we're in that house. And there's nothing to prove. We're just literally singing it out with all of our mind, knowing that when we declare something with our mouth, it signals something in our spirit. And it says, Listen, there's somebody else on the throne here. And it's not me and it's not the government. It's the King of kings and the Lord of lords. When we sing that, that evokes something in our spirit that I think is crucial for us this morning. So come on, let's sing it out. And I'm gonna keep my mic on. Because I'm going to sing it

Unknown Speaker 25:12

Unknown Speaker 25:14

Shane Rogers 25:17
Come on. Let's sing it out.

Unknown Speaker 25:19
Oh hey cheese see it out?

Unknown Speaker 25:33
Oh, hey oh hey

Unknown Speaker 26:04
we see

Shane Rogers 26:11
Father God, we love you. We're so privileged in this moment to fix our eyes on you and allow you to do what only you can do we give you praise in Jesus name and everyone said, Amen. Hey, let's keep our banter hand. All Over You guys, people are just celebrating, you guys are awesome. Well, I want to dive right in. And

Shane Rogers 26:41
I want to start with the Scripture. And many of you know this, I was a part of a series I was gonna series for a little while on on the gifts and we've sort of paused from that. And man, I can't help but like lean into what we're doing. And when what we're what's going on the world is changing literally, every every day, every 48 hours. It's like we have something new, we're in California. And so as you know, we're kind of on a serious lockdown. There's no one here, but the team just making this happen. And so I really want to lean into that. And so I want to start by reading a scripture. And all my slides will be up here on the screen. And this is what it says in Second Corinthians chapter four. Therefore, we do not become discouraged, disappointed or afraid. Now we can stop right there and just kind of pause and say, Man, that is gonna be my declaration, I'm not gonna be discouraged, I'm not gonna be disappointed. And I'm not going to be afraid. In this time, though our outward self is wasting away and our inward self is being renewed day by day. Even in quarantine, we're being renewed day by day. For our momentary passing trouble, this tool pass is producing for us an eternal weight of glory. So do not so don't look at your troubles. Don't look at the troubles we can see. Now, that's really important. Rather fix our gaze on what we cannot be seen for the things we see now will soon be gone. But the things we cannot see will last for ever. There's a quote by CS Lewis that I sort of stumbled upon that I loved and I loved the cape. Listen, I'm gonna have some fun today. I feel like we need a little bit of levity, but I believe God has a message for us. And so just bear with me. But uh, I love the cape anyway, this quote says, If I find myself desires, which nothing in this world can satisfy. The only logical explanation is that I was made for another world, at home, wherever you're at, turn your neighbor, turn to your family member and say I was made for this. I was made for this for this time for this season for what's going on. I was made for this. And this is sort of a shout out to all the kids that are watching. Because this is the apostle Paul. No, I'm just kidding. This is the Hulk. And I love this meme that I found. It's it's like I was made for this. I love this. But shout out to all my kids absolutely love Marvel. Obviously, this is the Hulk. But so this is the title. This is what we're going after today is I was made for this, that this this doesn't catch me by surprise. I'm not stuck wondering, oh my gosh, the sky is falling but but I was made for this. And so we're gonna dive into a story of two Christ followers, a part of the early church. This is after Christ died and was raised to life. And so this is truly the birth of the church and we're going to talk about a guy named Paul, the apostle Paul, and then Silas, one of his companions, and we're going to pick up in Acts chapter 16. Some of you this is sort of a familiar story. But we're going to pick up in verse in chapter 16, verse 23, and it says, And when they had inflicted many blows upon them, they threw them into prison. This is Paul and Silas, ordering the jailer, to keep them safely. Having received this order, he put them into the inner prison and fasten their feet to the stalks. About midnight and we'll say, about midnight, Paul saw Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. And suddenly, there was a great earthquake, so the foundations of the prison were shaking. Immediately all the doors were open and everyone's bonds were unfastened. When the jailer woke up, and saw that the prisoner the prison doors were open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself. Supposing that the prisoners had escaped, the Paul cried out with a loud voice, do not harm yourself, for we are all here. And the jailer called the light for the lights, and rushed in and trembling with fear. He fell down before Paul and Silas. Then he brought them out and said, Sirs, what must I do? To be saved? Wow.

Shane Rogers 31:40
What an amazing story. What an amazing response. Finally, God, I pray for Your Word today. And just over the next few moments, as I have an opportunity to share some things that you laid on my heart. God, I pray that You would speak. God, I pray that you would allow us to all lean in to your word today, not just in this moment, but in the coming weeks, as it is truly the light that lights our feet and our path. It is our lamp that you have given us. And I thank you for that in Jesus name, a man you were made for this. And I love this story. We're going to kind of pick apart a few of the things about the story. I think it's very relevant to where we are. And the first thing that I'm going to highlight is in verse 25, and verse one, and 25 kind of pact that all three of my points are in that one verse, and it says about midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God about midnight, I was kind of thinking to myself, like, what, what would they ordinarily be doing? At midnight? I promise you they wouldn't be awake. I mean, there's no Netflix, there's no YouTube, they're not you know, they're not scrolling the internet or, or watching movies. Back in these times. If they're not in jail at midnight. They're asleep. And I was thinking about how the fact that when the jailer put them in the inner prison it says that he specifically shackled their feet, their ankles. And and that, that probably made it really difficult to sleep. They're in this inner dungeon. It's probably wet. Cold. They're shackled. And, and so guess what, at midnight, they're not sleeping. In fact, it says that the other inmates weren't sleeping either. Because they were all listening. So So you have this group of people in this inner dungeon and and they're literally quarantined. I mean, can you relate okay? They are they are in their, this this inner prison and and they're not sleeping. And so midnight for me represents those moments of time when you're not able to do what you ordinarily do. And and I love this, like, what do we do when when we're not able to do what we normally do? I'll tell you what we do. We send out memes. And I have a bunch of them because I had just a few that I thought I really thought were fantastically funny. And so come on laugh with me because I think we all need that. And if we were Paul and Silas and we had access to memes this is what we would be doing. I love this one. What I had always pictured myself wearing during during the apocalypse. What actually happened? Oh, so good. I'm pretending you're laughing with me. Okay. This year's school yearbook photo. This guy hanging out in his little little pajamas like went where Debbie Downer. Next one. I said grab just the hard to find essentials. Dad grabbing the Harry Potter Legos. Yeah, I did. totally essential. And then this last one, this is great for all you parents out there that are trying to homeschool your kids feeling guilty about your kids watching too much TV. just mute it and turn closed captions on and boom, they're reading. I love that. Parents, can you relate with me? And in our journey at home? That's, that's what we do. But on a more serious note, the reality is we, we definitely try and and navigate. What is it that we do when, when we can't do what we normally do? We can't go to work. We can't go out to eat. I mean, my wife and I walked across the street and did some takeout. But just to have some, like get out of the house moments. But what do you do? And I think that we have a front row seat on on what the world does, when they can't do what they ordinarily do. Everything's thrown out of place. And it's an extremely interesting time. And so I wrote this, what do we do? We strategize? And then we predict what's, what's gonna, what's gonna happen here. And then, and then we talk to the other inmates about their opinion. And we go, Hey, how do you how long do you think we're gonna be in quarantine, we get their advice, we get their opinions. And then we freak out. And then we

Shane Rogers 36:31
wash, rinse and repeat. we strategize? What should we do now? How long is this gonna happen? We predict, um, I think it's gonna go two weeks now, I think it's gonna go four weeks? No, I think this is the end of the world. Then we ask other people on social media, what do you guys think the people that are just informed as we are. And then we freak out. And then we do it again, this is what the world does. At midnight. When when you can't sleep, when you can't do what you ordinarily do. And and I just want to highlight the fact that I believe that these moments we were made for this, we the church, we were made for this. And listen, I don't mean religion. I don't mean a church building. Hopefully, I don't mean a church building because you're not in a church building. But I mean, the Church of Jesus Christ, those who are connected with the Creator of the universe, and believe there's a bigger picture here, and I wrote this, midnight, is when the church is most alive midnight, when, when things are out of sorts, when you can't do what you ordinarily do, is when the church is most alive, because it's in these moments, we decide which kingdom we belong to, and to what we give Power. Power. Are you giving power over to things that have no business having power over you things like fear, things like anxiety, things like worry and freaking out. Those things are not a kingdom that we are a part of. And these are the moments like Paul, that we decide at midnight. You know what, this here, this is not my kingdom. And so moving on to the story. Paul, and Silas do something that's sort of crazy and it scene in later part of the verse at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God. And I was thinking about another story. When when I came across this, and I was envisioning Paul and Silas and they're in this prison and they can't do what they ordinarily do. They'd be sleeping, they'd be in their bed. Instead, they're in this inner dungeon, their feet and hands are shackled, they're cold, they're dark, and they can't sleep. They have no idea how long the quarantine will last. And they start praying and singing hymns to God. Now we're going to get to the hymns and the worship songs because I think that these were these were unlike your standard hymnal book because of what takes place after this. But as I was imagining this, I was thinking about a story in, in the Bible, where Jesus takes his disciples to seseri of Philippi. And I'm gonna show you a picture of it in a minute before I want to read the Scripture, because it's really profound. This is Jesus talking to His disciples. And he says this in Matthew chapter 16, he says, I Jesus will give you, the you he's talking to his disciples, the church, I will give you the keys of Heavens Kingdom realm. Remember, these are the times when the church thrives because we realize this is not our kingdom here on earth. We are a part of a different kingdom and Jesus is speaking of it, and he says, I'm going to give you The Keys of the Heavens Kingdom realm, to forbid on Earth, that which is forbidden in heaven. And to release on Earth, that which is released in heaven. Now it's important to understand where Jesus was, during this time see Jesus was accessory of Philippi. And here's a picture of it that I'm going to throw up on the screen. See, I went to Israel, and I was able to actually stand where they believe that Jesus and the disciples would be standing. So this was a pagan city, it was run by the Roman Empire, the disciples would have no business going to the city. In fact, they believe that Jesus and disciples may not have even gone into the city, they may have been on the peripheral. And this is where Jesus was saying, and the gates of hell

Shane Rogers 40:46
will not prevail against the church. Now, I always thought the gates of Hell was like, you know, the pit of hell, and you know, the enemy is not going to prevail. And, and that that makes sense. And I don't, and I think that that's consistent with the whole of Scripture that the church is going to push against the gates of hell. But you have to understand that Jesus was referring to the actual gates of hell, which is that cave, that was called the gates of hell. And it was a pagan temple that was built around that cave. And to appease the gods, they would throw in newborn children into that cave. And when the blood splat in the cave, they believed that the pagan god was satisfied. This is how evil these times were, and Jesus, and His disciples sat watching this happen. And Jesus says, Listen, I'm giving you power and authority over even this kind of evil. I wrote this, this thought, Jesus taught his disciples that they have power to release the kingdom of heaven, even in the darkest of situations. And I don't know about you, but I don't even have to pinch myself to, to realize that we are in one of those moments. This is the moment that I think we are all going to look back on 2020 as something that took the world by surprise, and we've never seen anything like it in our lifetime. And yet, even in these moments, Paul and Silas are modeling something for us that we can release the kingdom of heaven, right in the midst of our situation. And I just want to say like, it's time I wrote in my notes, it's time, it's time to put the phone down. Put the social media down. I mean, not right now. Don't put social media down, keep watching. But put, put the Facebook scrolling the Facebook and Instagram down, put the YouTube down, and the Instagram and the Netflix and all of those things. And let's begin to lean in, like never before in prayer and in worship and inviting the real kingdom that we are a part of see we're a part of a different kingdom, and inviting that kingdom here to change the atmosphere of our home, the atmosphere of our soul. Now listen, I'm not, I'm not saying that's instantly gonna cause the virus to go away. I honestly don't know what's gonna happen with the virus. We don't have any control over that. I believe I'm telling you what I'm drawing a bloodline around my family around my friends around my church, that that no virus is going to come in and infect the church. But listen, when we bring the kingdom of heaven here, we lean into worship and prayer in these moments you were made for this. You were made for this. This is not a time to cower and be afraid. Jesus was saying to disciples in the midst of that ugly Listen, those gates of hell will not prevail against the power that I'm giving you to release heaven here on earth come on, this is good preaching. I was watching the the governor do his thing and share kind of what's going on in California two days ago when he sort of announced Hey, I'm I'm putting a lock down on on the state. And and I appreciated it and listen, I think that everyone in in government, I appreciate what they're doing. I appreciate the way that they're trying their very, very best to, to help all of us. But he said a phrase that that I think he said probably I think I counted 11 times that he said this phrase in the midst of his talk, and it was this phrase, we need to meet this moment. And at first I was like oh, that's kind of a cool way of saying it, we need to meet this moment. And then, as he kept going kept saying he kept saying it was just echoing in my mind, meet this moment, meet this moment. And

Shane Rogers 45:12
I want to tell you, you were made for this moment. And listen, I'm not saying that the government or the governor has has any spiritual power to bring to meet this moment. But I think it's a good reminder to you and I, as the church, let's meet this moment. How are you meeting this moment? I'll tell you what I'm doing. I'm rejecting the things that are not from heaven, like fear, like anxiety, like confusion, oh, my gosh, how many times? Have you been confused? This week? In the last 48 hours? How many times have you been confused? I'm rejecting God is not a God of confusion, and I'm bringing heaven to earth. And listen, the thing that I had on my mind this morning is I'm releasing the joy of the Lord. Those are the things that we have control over. Listen, I can't control the virus. But I can control the atmosphere of my home, the atmosphere of my soul, releasing the joy of the Lord, into our situation. This is what it looks like to meet our moment. And I think church, it's time it's time to recognize the power that we have. And this contagious is contagious because we go on, and in verse chapter 25, it says that the prisoners were listening. Do we have that up? verse chapter 25. It says, The prisoners were listening to them. I find this I find this interesting. First of all, the prisoners weren't sleeping, it's midnight. And I thought, why were they listening? And then I realized it's pitch black. We know that because the jailer had to turn the lights on to even see if the prisoners were still there. So the other prisoners were sitting in complete darkness. And all of a sudden, out of the darkness, they begin to hear hope, arise. They begin to hear the melody of heaven. See, what do what do people do when they can't see? They listen. I think that we're surrounded by people all around us, that have no ability to see past this moment. They're blind by their own fear, anxiety, lack of hope. And they are listening. I'm telling you, church, they are listening for hope. And maybe you're tuning in here and you tuned in because you're like, Man, I kind of need some of that hope. And I'm in that situation, I have been listening. And man, I'll tell you what, I've been listening to CNN, and ABC and Fox News. And I've been listening to all the YouTube and all the rhetoric, and it's not the melody, of hope. And yet, in the darkness of this moment, we have the opportunity to begin to sing. And your neighbors and the people down the street and your colleagues at work that you can't even socialize with. They may not be able to hear your actual melody, but I promise your life speaks in a way that in this time, more than ever, they can hear. They're listening, for hope, see, and these two guys, they had been radically saved. So this was a melody of transformation. It was a melody of redemption. In fact, Paul the Apostle says himself of the gospel in Colossians, chapter one, three has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of His Son. This was the message of Paul and Silas in the midst of the darkest place. They had no idea when they were going to get out. And yet Paul sings a melody Silas sings a melody that we've been rescued from the kingdom of darkness. This is not our home. It's not our home. Last one that we see I want to close on this. In verse 28, says, Paul cried out with a loud voice, do not harm yourself talking to the jailer, for we are all here. Now. If you're like me, you're reading the story. And you're like, Wow, this is super anticlimactic because Paul and Silas are in this prison and they're praying, and they're like, God help us. And then all of a sudden, literally, there's an earthquake. that shakes the actual prison wakes up the jailer. Everyone's chains loose the prison doors open.

Shane Rogers 50:11
And then they don't leave. They literally stay in prison. Enough time for the jailer to wake up, freak out, get his sword out, almost kill himself because he assumed everybody left turns on the lights and realizes Whoa. They're not in prison. But they're still here. super epic. Why? Why didn't they leave? Like, I actually don't understand you and I are quarantined. And it's easy for us. Like it would be easy for Paul and Silas, to look at the problem. Instead of the purpose of God. The problem is this Coronavirus, the problem is I'm at home the problem is my job or my work is suffering. Those are very real things. And I don't want to minimize any of them. People are dying, that's serious. And we need to lean into that and prayer and worship and believe that those chains are going to be broken. But in the middle of that Paul and Silas are hanging out and they didn't actually leave. Because they didn't see it. Like we see it they they had eyes to see something that was an earthly they they weren't from this kingdom.

Shane Rogers 51:54
See, Paul wasn't threatened by quarantine he was empowered by it. Paul realize that this is an opportunity that God has created. And and while every second I'm in quarantine, I'm going to provide hope. I'm going to release the joy of the Lord. I'm going to pray that every single one of these prisoners gets out. But at the end of the day, the problem is not I'm in prison. This is an empowerment moment for the church to realize that people are looking for the good news of Jesus everywhere like never before. And we know that because the last part of the Scripture literally says that his response was they he brought out all of the prisoners and says, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? Oh, my gosh, listen, I believe with all of my heart that that this moment will be recorded in, in, in our church's history, the Church of Jesus Christ across the globe as a time when people are coming to know the Lord like never before. Because Can I can tell you, there is something greater and a lot worse than contracting the Coronavirus. There's something worse than being quarantined in your house. There's something worse than businesses going out of business or the stock market crashing, the thing that's worse than that is spending eternity separated from God, not understanding that your Creator loves you, and wants relationship with you. And there are people all over the place that are living their life, hope less disconnected and alone from their Creator. And I just want to say that I believe with all my heart, Jesus is rallying the church. For people that don't know Jesus, that will come and say, What must I do to have the joy and the peace and the hope that you have found? We bow your heads and close your eyes for a moment. And I just want to give this opportunity. If you're tuning in online, maybe just started watching a few minutes ago and you've been searching for hope. And I just I can't help but think that these are the moments that God crafted and shaped for you. God's knocking on the door of your heart. He's not trying to just save you momentarily from quarantine. He is after your eternity. He is after your soul. He is the lover of your heart. And so I pray right now that you would hear the sound of hope where you bow your heads and close your eyes and pray this prayer with me if you're interested in that hope say Lord Jesus, I asked you to come into my heart. I am a sinner in need of a Savior. Save me. Make me new and I will live for you from this moment on In Jesus name, we believe if you prayed that prayer, you were born again, and you are no longer from this kingdom, but from the kingdom of heaven and you have hope that does not disappoint the church you were made for this moment. Now, before we conclude our our time, this morning, I just want to do a little bit of family business. And the first thing is, I want to highlight the fact that we have a couple that, that have been a part of our church Kevin and Laughlin for since we started, they were in the house with us. And they are leaving.

Shane Rogers 55:43
They got an incredible house, living with family in Virginia, and they leave in a couple of days, this would be their last Sunday at church. But of course, they couldn't gather with us. And so I just want to celebrate them as a church, we send them out. They have been nothing but an encouragement, and a loving family, for our church, for our church body. They have made such an impact. And so Kevin illallah, if you're watching, we just want to say we love you. We send you out with a blessing. And you always have a home in our hearts in here at heart, church. The last thing I wanted to say is I just want to give an opportunity for those who are still looking to continue their tithes and offerings with Heart church. Obviously, we're continuing to exist as a church. And we believe that it won't, won't be too long before we can gather again. Until then, we're going to really be going after social media and making platforms like this to connect. But we have a slide where you can go online and pay through our website, or go ahead and send in a an envelope. I think we have an app or a slide for that. And so, online, envelopes mobile, please take advantage of that. And so that way we can continue as a church to move forward. I believe that this time more than ever, the Church of Jesus Christ is going to grow. God bless you. We love you. Have an awesome rest of the day, and we'll see you next time.

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