A Mother's Beauty

Shane Rogers 0:00
Good morning Heart Church. We are so glad that you came to join us on this Mother's Day. Wow, what an exciting day. And we're gonna do something a little bit different. I think you'll find throughout the service that's going to be very special, very unique, tailored to all of us but to moms, but just right out of the gate, we're going to actually watch an interview that I got to do with our beloved Alex many of you have been following his story. And so we actually got to do an interview with him here about what God is doing and so we wanted to celebrate and start out our worship service celebrating with him and then after the video we're gonna start our worship so let me pray Father God, I thank you for this morning. I thank you for what you want to do. And Jesus I pray that in the middle of this Mother's Day, God that this story that you've been working for the last five weeks and Alex would speak to every person about the goodness of God and we thank you for it in Jesus name a man watch this video

Shane Rogers 1:11
that we've been praying for if you're tuning in on online, and you're not exactly Hi, everybody, Shane here. And obviously I have on this call, Alex. And he is the been the one that we've been praying for if you're tuning in on online, and you're not exactly sure what the story the backstory is, Alex came down with COVID-19, about four, four weeks ago, and we as a community, and then across the nation sort of rallied around in prayer around this man of God. And he has an incredible story of how God delivered him up in this deck.

Shane Rogers 2:49
So we just wanted to allow you to see his face, hear His voice, hear a little bit of the story. And ultimately, so we can celebrate. So Alex, man, it's so good, glad that you're here. You're able to do this, you look great. And you sound great. Thank you. So yeah, let's just start start out with kind of take us back, you know, four weeks ago, and sort of what do you remember about you know, even just going into the hospital and how that all worked.

Unknown Speaker 3:21
Um, what I do remember is the strangeness of after they brought me under into they put into the coma. That was this dreams are so strange, I would have a hard time discerning reality from fantasy. Why, but the Lord, he is so good. And I trusted in God, I already gave my life into his hands. He has done a great thing and is it's wonderful. So after coming out of not seven or eight days, excuse me. After about seven, eight days, I began to try to decipher everything that had been going on. And there was a woman who was taking care of me and X JW, who was, you know, her family disowned her rotor off and out that now got a chance to testify to her and they're going to church and just opportunities, whatever the Lord puts before you. And whatever situation you are, take hold a bit. Because yeah, this is it. It's a short we

Shane Rogers 4:32
No, no. So fast. Yeah. And so taking it back a little bit. You know, while you were under, you know, we on the outside, you know, we're going like, Man, this can't be the end of our time with you and your time here. And so, you know, we kind of rallied around and began to pray and it was just this amazing movement across our nation of people from everywhere. Everywhere prayin and constantly checking in, like, How's Alex? How's Alex? And at one point, we got the call saying that from Liz saying, you know, we need to begin to prepare for end of life because, you know, you were, you know, slowly fading and you know, looking around the nation and somebody that has the Coronavirus at this stage on a ventilator that long, you know, the, the odds are not good. So I actually one point called in over the phone, my wife and I, and the nurse held our phone, the phone up on speakerphone, to your ear while you were in a coma. And I remember cuz Heather was like, you know, maybe we should release him. And I'm like, I'm not releasing him. I was like, wake

Unknown Speaker 5:42
up, Alex, you're

Shane Rogers 5:46
like my brother, you are not done on this earth. You know, and then had Heather praise this powerful prayer. And then just seeing the body of Christ coming together and praying for you, pastors and people everyday. How's Alex? How is Alex who've been praying for me and praying for him. And then leading up to, we began to get the call from Liz saying, you know, they're not quite ready to take you off the ventilator yet, but the signs are your your lungs are coming back and you're healthy. And it was just absolutely incredible. So take us to that part of it. And just as you begin to wake up from the ventilator, and some of those opportunities that have come about to share your faith and seeing the bigger picture of what that's done to your faith.

Unknown Speaker 6:38
A lot of these things are the after the fact moment, because when you come out of a coma, or a medical induced coma, you don't know anything that's going on you I think the first day you're just throwing up all the junk. But after I was in talking, I was surprised he was surprised that I had a voice at all. And I started looking at my Facebook and internationally i I have friends musically. And in the ministry, and all across the board, especially in our church, you know, being the center, center bowl this, you know, I saw how many people were they were believing God with us? Yeah, any people of faith. You've got to have that where or you know, a unbelieving God with you. We said it and you know, God's already paid it forward. So that's really the after point, as when, when I started to come to and realize where I was out what I'm doing. Okay, let's get out of here. And of course, yeah. Yes.

Shane Rogers 7:47
I was just reminded that during this time, we as a church got together with the IRS about 15 cars, and we did a drive by your your, your house there. And then we actually went to the hospital where you were and you were down in Palm Rado hospital. And we were down. And I want to end with this because this is so cool. And then we're going to go into worship as a community. But we were down in Palm Rado hospital. And we grouped up there, we weren't allowed to get out of our cars, we're not allowed to go in the hospital. So we grouped up in the parking lot. And I was kind of thinking like, man, wouldn't it be awesome if we worship together what a song we'd like to worship to was the blessing that new song by carry job. And and so I was thinking, you know, everyone should put this on, you know, get on your phone and start playing at the same time. And as I said, that everybody in the group, somebody mentioned, hey, by the way, that song right now just started playing on the radio. And so we all tuned in, and it was like, God set it up. Right then that psalm began to play. And then as it was playing, we all opened up our Bibles on our own in our card. And we began to read out loud, Psalm 91, and just declared over the hospital over you, and it was like, this amazing moment. And it was almost like the clouds, you know, parted. We were like in the eye of the storm. And Jesus was just like speaking this over you. And it was just so cool. Because in that moment, everything seems so dark. And yet God showed up. And here we are talking and praying and believing God for the miraculous with my brother. So did we love you.

Unknown Speaker 9:19
We love you, too. We do.

Shane Rogers 9:22
And we pray for us. Let's pray.

Unknown Speaker 9:26
Just there is no other name, in your name above any name. by your stripes we are healed to any of our brethren or believers who are facing whatever obstacle let them know in faith that even when we are not all together, you are always faithful. You're all are our lower dinner king. And we trust in you. Yeah. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Shane Rogers 9:59
Amen. So good love you brother can't wait to see in person and give you a big hug

Unknown Speaker 10:09
to pastor God bless

Unknown Speaker 10:10
SR rocks rocks oceans to the name He is our God he movie strongholds everywhere keys breezes to the throne of God breezes to the heart of God breezes to the moon church we're really praying Hey resist resist resist breezes to the throne of God breezes God freezes these phrases break down seeing the light to the throw to the high priests is significant raises the hallway raises to the throne of God pleases God Praise God Praise

Unknown Speaker 14:44
breezes to the throne of God breezes to the heart of God breezes Holloway me luck wish seeing the light breezes to the throne freezes freezes and sue them we make a very cool promise keep light in the dark oh my god that is true you you We make a very cool promise key light in the dark that is true you we make a very cool promise key line is my god that is You

Unknown Speaker 17:24
we make a miracle promise my God even when not no see even when not don't feel it your work you never stop you never stop you never stop you never stop work even when not go see it you don't feel it you never stop you never stop work you never stop you never stop working. We make a promise that is who you are we make the miracle work promise my God even when not don't see it you work and even when not don't feel it you work you never stop you never stop working. You never stop you'll never stop work. Even when not go see you working. Even when not don't feel it you never stop you never stop working. You never stop you'll never stop work

Unknown Speaker 19:13
Thomas key lighting my my God. That is who you are you we make a very cool promise key line in my mic God that is true that is that is that is don't see it should work. Even when I don't feel it. Sure work it. Get that Stop. You'll never stop working

Unknown Speaker 20:09
your way maker, your miracle work. We just heard from our brother Alex, what a miracle. It's unbelievable. I mean, it's really unbelievable. It's the sort of thing that you see on TV and you really don't know a real person that has come back from the brink of death. Even when we didn't see it, God you were working. Even when we may not have felt it. You were working. You never stopped. You never stopped working. We're so grateful for our brother and our sister this for the miracle that is happened in their family. The miracle that has happened in our Heart Church family. We thank you, God. We thank you for who you are. Jesus. We pray a blessing over every mom today. Whether you're a mom of a baby, baby, uh, for baby, any kind of baby, we're thankful for you. We praise your name, and Jesus name, amen. A man Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies. We're so grateful for you. Grateful for my mom and all the moms everywhere we ask that you just prepare your hearts for the word as you watch the short video on mom's I got these for you thanks mom

Unknown Speaker 22:42
I got my license I got to stay. Mom. She said yes. Mom, it's a boy.

Shane Rogers 23:38
Well, good morning again. And Happy Mother's Day, we are so excited you came to join us and it really is special. And just hearing Alex's voice really gives us all hope for what God is doing in our midst. And I know he's doing a lot in your life on this special day. And so I wanted to share just a brief message today on on mothers that I think is relevant to all of us. I've never sort of taught from this angle in regards to mothers. And so I want to start by giving you the title of the message. And that's a mother's beauty, a mother's beauty and I want to invite you to open up to Genesis chapter one. And we're going to start in verse 27, and read through 28 and it says this. So God created man in His own image in the image of God, He created him. And I want to highlight that for a second because when it says man, we often think well God created man because He created Adam first and then even so that word man must mean male but it doesn't actually mean male it means mankind and so when when when God says He created man in His image, he actually means he created humanity in his image not male and so it goes on to say God created male and female, He created them. And then verse 28, and God blessed them, not him, them. And God said to them Be fruitful, and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. And so I want to, I want to talk to you from the standpoint that God created male and female alike in his image, and in His likeness, can I give you sort of a an idea that I don't know, is controversial, but it might sound a little bit strange, and that is this, God is not a male. Now, obviously, Jesus was a male, when he came to earth, he took on skin, and that skin was a male, and we refer to God as God, our Father. And so there's some male attributes there. But God created male and female from who he is to represent who he is, and reflect His image and his likeness. And so I think it's really important, especially in this day and age, when I know that there's all kinds of gender confusion, and you know, a lot of different versions of gender. And listen, I'm not wanting to get into all that. But I am saying on this special day, of Mother's Day, I think it's important for us as we look into Scripture to recognize this simple fact, God created females. In fact, in fact, the word female literally means not male, it means completely different, not a male, a fi, male means completely a different idea, and God designed male and female, to represent him and reflect his character. And so I want to dive in to just for a few minutes for women, moms, and how they reflect the image and likeness of God. I don't know if you've ever thought about it this way. But there are certain things that we think about when we think about a mom. And listen, that doesn't mean just people who have kids, because I believe these attributes are in every woman. The the, the the tendency to be motherly. And that's what we're celebrating today is that is that inner beauty, to be motherly, and how it reflects the goodness of God. And actually the nature and character of God. When you look at a mom, there are certain things that are undeniable that are true about every mom. And those same things are true about the nature and character of God. And so the first thing is this, moms know, they just know that they're the closest thing to omniscience that we have on this planet, like they just, they just know a mother's intuition. We've all heard that we all know it. I don't care if you believe in God or not a mother's intuition is just like a thing. And we know that that is a characteristic of God that he actually put into females into that motherly attribute. My wife knows what I'm thinking. In fact, she knows what I'm thinking about doing like, like, we'll be in public. And Heather, I know you're watching Love you, Caleb and Haley love you. But like, we'll be in public. And I often do things that are,

Shane Rogers 28:37
I think are fun, but to Heather, maybe a little bit embarrassing. And so I'll often be thinking about doing something. And I'll look over and Heather and I didn't say anything, but she'll just know what I'm thinking about doing. And she'll just be like, No, unlike what I got didn't say anything and do things. Just, I know what you're thinking about. Just don't even think about, like, how does she do that? Man, like, we don't have that, that skill, this, this ability to like know what each other's thinking, I promise you, a guy does not know what another guy's thinking. And can I just tell you, we don't care. We just don't have we don't have that gift. What is what is your wife always ask you? What are you thinking? In fact, Heather and I were driving home from a friend's house couple days ago. And we were you know, just peacefully driving and she leaned over and said, What are you thinking about? And it just reminded me like, that questions often like resonates in a wife like what are you thinking about? And what's the male's response? What's the husband's response? Um, nothing. That's right. We have the ability, the superpower to actually think about nothing. We have This little box. And when we're in that little box, it's called the nothing box. And it's amazing. And there's nothing going on when we're in the nothing box, because we have the ability to think about absolutely nothing. But women, you just know, and I love this because it's who God is, can I tell you today that God knows. He knows what's going on in your life. He's deeply, deeply interested, he knows the thoughts that you have. In fact, we see this in Psalm 139, verse one and two, like, I love this. So we're going to kind of go through this scripture a little bit, because I think it reflects not only who God is, but also who he's created moms to be. It says this, oh, Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know, when I sit down, or stand up, you know, my thoughts, even when I'm far away. And I was thinking about that, like, I don't know that I've ever really thought about it this way. But I was thinking, how much does that sound like your mom? I mean, again, I'm not trying to weed you out. Because that's not what it's actually talking about talking about God. But let's read it again. And think about mom, and that beautiful characteristic that God put in moms to know. You examine my heart and know everything about me? Can we just celebrate the fact that that's really true about your mom? She knows more about you than you think she does. Because she's examined you. And she loves you so much. She knows you're coming in, and you're going out, you know, when I sit down, and when I stand up, she has eyes in the back of her head, right? Cuz she just knows. And that is from God, because that is who our God is. And so when we see that in our mom, we can love and admire that about our God. Second thing is this. Moms care. Moms care. First one is moms they just know. And the second one is they mom's care. I know that. This is true about your mom. And it's true about my mom, thinking about Heather right now, obviously the mother of our kids and she, she knows things about our kids that I would never know unless she told me about them. Because she just cares so deeply. And, and she has that nurturing aspect where she'll often say to me, like, yeah, did you know that Caleb? Or Haley, were thinking about this? Did you know that they had this kind of worry, or did you know this was going on at their school? And I'd be like, No, I didn't actually. And I spent all day with Caleb, and we were hanging out and we were laughing and talking. And he didn't mention any of that. And you spend five minutes with him. And all of a sudden, you know, all of this stuff. That's amazing. I don't have that gift. In fact, it's not just with our kids, lots of people confide in Heather and it's probably the case with your mom. They just have this nurturing thing about them placed by God. And so they just know stuff. And so Heather will often asked me, you know, when when I go spend time with my friends, like, yeah, would you guys talk about, you know, and I'm like, I don't know. Like, I'll go golfing and she'll be like, Oh, yes. Did you guys have any, you know, meaningful conversations, you digging any stuff? I'm like,

Shane Rogers 33:31
like, what? What are you talking about? She's like, well, well, how are they doing? I'm thinking, Well, I don't know, Dan shot in the 70s. I think he's pretty good. Like, guys just don't go at their at that level. And yet, ladies, mothers, they just have this ability to step into the pain of people's lives, and to the reality of what's going on in relationships. And it's beautiful. And I want to read for you, Psalm 139. And we're going to continue down in in verse four, and five, and then in 10, because it really does reflect where mother's got this is from God, and the way he feels about about us. It says this, in verse four, you know, when I am going to stay what I'm going to say even before I say it, you go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head, verse 10. If I ride the wings in the morning, if I dwell on the farthest oceans, even there, your hand will guide me and your strength will support me. It's beautiful. This is our God. And today, on this special day, we're not just celebrating the things that mothers do and they do a lot and They're, they're constantly behind the scenes.

Shane Rogers 35:04
Basically being the oil, if you will, for all the gears, all the moving parts, they do a lot. But today, I also want to celebrate who they are. mothers know. And they reflect who God is mother's care deeply. And that is a characteristic of our God towards us, whatever you're going through whatever is going on in your life, like God knows, he knows. But he doesn't just know like, he cares so deeply. And if you know that about your mom, and I don't think most of us if not all of us would agree that our mom's caring for going through something really, really hard. If we're, you know, struggling, we know that even if our mom can't do something physically, we know she's feeling it for us. And she's in our current corner. And so how much more are God Who put that nature into our moms? Do they care? And the last thing is this mom's protect, mom's protect my wife is, is the kindest person on planet Earth. We are dog people, and we love dogs. And primarily, we love labs. And we've always had labs because they're just so friendly. They're so amiable. And, and so fun. And I think that if, if Heather was a dog, which she's not a dog, she's a beautiful woman, but if she was dogs, she'd be allowed because, because she's so friendly, never met a stranger, like, just so fun. And, and most of you who know, Heather, have probably never seen her angry, much like, like a Labrador, like, like, you never see a Labrador, you know, growling or barking or getting angry unless they're abused or something like that. And so the some way, similar to Heather's that she could, she doesn't get angry. Except there are a few exceptions. And one of them is when her mama bear comes out. And you know what I'm talking about, if you, if you're a mom, or those of us, you know, everybody has a mom realized that that Mama bear comes out, when you're talking about the kids and your kids are threatened, that Mama Bear fierceness comes out. And I remember Heather told, told me a story that a number of years ago, she was flying, it was just her and the kids. And I was not able to go on the trip, and so is her and the kids, they were on a flight. And she was doing her very best. And our kids were really young at the time and flying with young kids, as you know, is very difficult. So she was doing her best to keep them together and keep them quiet. But you know, every once in a while they tap the seat in front of them, or they made too much noise. And Heather was just saying that this person in front of her was just extremely rude the whole time. And she would, you know, turn around and like talk harshly to the kids and just be really disrespectful despite Heather's you know, attempt to keep the kids quiet and keep it calm during the flight. And in Heather's estimation, the kids did great. But this person, they didn't feel that way. And they were extremely rude for her to Heather and the kids. And so this is Mama Bear. So they get down to the baggage claim. And typically, Heather runs from conflict. She's a peacemaker. No, not on this day, she walks up to this gentleman on the other side of the baggage claim. And she just goes, Excuse me, I just need you to know that you were extremely rude to me and my kids. And I would like an apology. And I'm like, Yes, that's Mama Bear right there. Come on, Heather. And, and I love that characteristic from God put into moms. And again, even if you don't have biological kids, you have that motherly instinct that would code a battle. And that would literally throw yourself in front of a bullet for children, because that's in you. And I just want to say that is who our God is. He is a protective God and He is protective over you over your life, over your circumstances. He's not distant. He knows he steps into it. He cares. And he's got the mama bear instinct that comes out. When someone's threatening you. He's coming to your rescue. And it may not seem like it right now. But I'm telling you, this is who our God is. And if you've seen it in your mom, or if you've seen it in your wife, then you've seen it in our Heavenly Father and I want to end with one scripture because this scripture is near and dear to my heart. Because this scripture is to honor my mom, Psalm 21. Well, I'm sorry 121 Is the psalm that my mom asked us to rehearse and and repeat and memorize on the way to school all throughout middle all throughout elementary school. And it's it's an amazing scripture that actually speaks to the protective nature of our God and I was reminded of just my mom and how precious she is and how she's always been in there for me and even as a young child, you know, pointing me to Jesus and getting me into the Word. And I was reminded of all those days driving to Valley School and rehearsing and saying this, this scripture, and how it points to this incredible protective nature of our God. And so I want to read it to you, it'd be up on the screen, it says this, I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where does my help, come. My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth, He will not let your foot be moved, he keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he keeps Israel will neither slumber nor silt. Sleep for the Lord is your keeper. The Lord is your shade on your right hand, the sun will not strike you by day, nor the moon by night, the Lord will keep you from all evil, he will keep your life the Lord will keep you're going out. And you're coming in, from this time forth, and forever. More, what a beautiful promise. And so I want to end today by praying for moms. And just a simple idea today as we're texting our moms FaceTiming our moms may be able to get together with with them for a barbecue with our moms with our wives celebrating the motherhood in them. And for those of you who maybe want to have kids or weren't able to have kids, but you have that motherly instinct in you, we celebrate the image of God in you. We celebrate that God created you and fashions you just the way you are in his beautiful in its expression. Because it is the image and nature of God to know, to have that intuition that you have to, to care deeply and step into our pain and to protect.

Shane Rogers 42:02
So we bow your heads and close your eyes and men, husbands, sons daughters, will you partner with me in prayer, as we say a blessing over our mom's Father God. We thank you on this day, the special nature of who you created mothers to be. I thank you for their strength. I thank you for their commitment to us, Jesus, I thank you for their tireless service behind the scenes and Father I pray that today you they would feel so fulfilled not just in one day being celebrated. But I got I pray you would go deep inside of them to realize that who they are is celebrated by you that you that they truly reflect who you are as a good God that is in our lives, knows us, cares for us and protects us and we thank you for it. In Jesus name. A man God bless you. Have an awesome Mother's Day

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

A Mother's Beauty
Broadcast by