Easter 2020

Shane Rogers 0:00
Good morning and happy Easter Heart, Church. Oh, we're so excited for this opportunity to be with here with you on this Easter 2020. And I'm with my friends, I got Mike over here and Adam and Krystal, and I can't wait for us to start in on worship. And we are live. This is live, this is not pre recorded. So we encourage you, like we have been over the last couple of weeks, you guys have been so good to just, you know, really use that comment section to post prayer requests and connect with one another. And let's be a community, just as if we're right here in this building. There's just a few of us here for this recording. But man, we just prayed. And we prayed that the presence of God, right, wherever you're at would enter your living room, your bedroom, wherever you're watching us on that TV screen or on that computer screen. And then it would just the presence of God would permeate through this technology to where you are on this Easter. I don't think anybody, any of us really thought that we'd be in this kind of scenario on Easter. And yet, Jesus isn't caught by surprise. And he can do in a moment what we couldn't do in a lifetime. And so I'm gonna pray for you. And like I said, Please lean in for all 45 minutes of this service lean in, because we believe that Jesus is on the move in his church. He's on the move in your life and this is resurrection. Sunday Come on, Will you pray with me Father God, we just come to you with open hearts. God we come to you in need God have a fresh Word, Jesus, our faith is elevated. We believe that you are still alive still doing miracles today. And so far that we set aside distractions on this special day where we celebrate resurrection Jesus, but God we thank you that it wasn't just something that happened 2000 years ago, but it's something that's still happening in our hearts today. This is what we believe this is our declaration and God I pray for any person any family member any son or daughter or that's in need of hope today God I pray that I would come screaming through this screen that you are alive and well and doing wonders among us We thank You for it in Jesus name And all God's people said amen and amen come on let's worship

Unknown Speaker 3:01
moon and stars the the morning sun was the savior of the world was for his body on the cross his blood borne out the weight of every curse up on him one final breath as having a son is battling the brain. The war on death was the power verb this was a new way His perfect love could not be now where is your see? Cheeky husband duty to see? Begin is not free we see we see we see we see we see we see we see we see. In Christ my hope is found my my song this cornerstone this solid ground firm through the forces or heights driving sees my car my cries i say in Christ Gong God bless This gives a righteous spa mother once he came to say she was sad is for every shoe on hand was cries his body this from the gravy row since

Unknown Speaker 11:03
for freshers no no fancy is the power of primes in two final changes comments bye me no more calls me guys

Unknown Speaker 11:57
Kenny returns I see to hearing the cries, I said to return returns false me here I say thank you Father. Lord, we're so glad. Don't power of hell, nor the schemes of man could ever pluck us from your hand Jesus.

Unknown Speaker 12:51
Or God, we're so thankful for what you did on the cross for us. Over 2000 years ago, you knew exactly who I'd be. You knew exactly. He knew exactly who you would be any pay the price anyway. God was so thankful. There's no amount of things that we could do or say that could ever come close to showing our gratitude for all that you have done for us are we just thank you, we want to seal this time of worship God. We pray, Lord God that you would be pleased with it, Lord God. We're so glad that our hope is found in you. With Jesus name, a man. Thank you for worshiping with us this morning. I just wanted to invite you to watch our Easter video. Yes,

Unknown Speaker 13:53
Jesus Christ is alive. He rose from the dead. And that day that Easter Sunday morning that first Easter when Mary and Mary Magdalene and Salone went to the grave, expecting to anoint a dead body. They saw the angel sitting back. And they said whereas Jesus Angel said he is not here He is risen. I submit to you tonight that that's the greatest news the world has ever heard. He is. He is conquered the great. He's alive. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that there's more proof that Jesus Christ rose from the dead than almost any other fact in Roman history. I don't believe this effect in ancient history today so well proven as the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But even if there was no proof, no historical proof, no scientific proof, and there is I would still believe because I believe that But here's God's inspired word. And the whole early church went up and down the country, preaching the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That was the thing that shook the Roman Empire, that a man had risen from the dead, that he was alive, that death cannot hold it. Crisis. He's living Savior.

Shane Rogers 15:31
Oh, my gosh, Easter Sunday is here, I just want to give a big shout out to our team. This has been working hard to make this happen. And for our worship team, you guys are incredible. I just love to worship Jesus with Heart Church, I want to welcome those who are visiting from other states, other places. Thank you so much for coming and joining us, I want to welcome back guests and visitors. This is a time when friends and family would typically be gathered in church buildings across the nation. And it's a very special time. And so I want to recognize, though people are not gathering, you are gathering online. And so if you're visiting Heart Church, I just want to say welcome. My name is Shane Rogers, and my wife, Heather, and I get to be the lead pastors of Heart Church, church, we planted actually, two years ago, we had our official launch as a team in a house on Easter Sunday, I'll never forget it. And it was in the Goodmans. Home. Thank you guys so much, if you're watching for the time we spent with you in your home, and we launched it on Easter Sunday. And so that was two years ago, Easter is a very special time. And so I want to open up to Matthew chapter 28. And my scriptures will be up on the screen. I believe that I have a message of hope. If, if you're needing that right now then you tuned in to the right Facebook channel. These are strange and unprecedented times that we live. And yet Jesus is right in the middle of it. And he has a message for us. And so Matthew chapter 28, and we're going to read just six verses. And it says this. Now after the Sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene, and the other married, went to see the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the LORD descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it. Just like a cool visual. This epic angel comes, there's a there's an earthquake, and then the angel just sits on the on the stone that He just rolled away, like what's up, okay? Verse three, His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing, white as snow. And for the fear of him, the guards trembled and became like dead men. But the angel said to the woman, do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. But he's not here. He has risen, just as he said, Come see the place where he lay, he is risen, just as he said, This is Easter Sunday. And this is what we celebrate in if you're not real familiar with Christianity, we believe that over the course of the weekend, 2000 years ago, Jesus was crucified on Friday night, was a darkest day in history. On Saturday, he was in the grave. And on Sunday, he rose again. And that is on this day that we celebrate this. And so it's with that I'd like to say a quick prayer over the word and over our ears that we would hear Jesus, I ask, right now that you would quick in our ears to hear something of you and not have me. God. I'm a frail human being trying to communicate your eternal living word. And so holy spirit, we're asking right now, in the middle of all of the things going on in our life that we would pause long enough, just long enough to hear a life giving word from you. And I thank you for that. In Jesus name. Amen. I always find these three days, sort of epic because of what we believe. And oftentimes we'll watch The Passion of the Christ on Friday, and think on Jesus's death. And just those progression of days are always significant for us. And I don't know about you, but I always find that weather plays an interesting part and just making things a little bit more epic. We live in San Diego and so, you know, typically we have sunshine, but every every once in a while we'll get a storm. And so when the sun is out Things just feel more cheery and hopeful the blue sky and all those things. And then when it's raining, especially in San Diego, because we don't get it all that much, it just feels a little bit darker, a little bit more epic. And so I remember on Thursday night, I was going to bed and I was kind of thinking on on Friday, Good Friday, and what at what might take place on Thursday, Jesus met with his disciples in the upper room. And you remember, in John chapter 12, where he washes the disciples feet. And, and those those are the things that transpire. John chapter 13. And then 14 1516 is where Jesus gives His commands and, and preaches this amazing message to his disciples and then goes to the garden. So then on Friday, is when Jesus was ultimately crucified. And so it's a special day, but it's a dark day. So I woke up this Friday. And if you're here in San Diego, you'll know that we've had a pretty gnarly storm and it was dumping all Thursday night, I woke up Friday morning, and I looked up my backyard and we have a pool. And then basically the rest of our backyard is just concrete. And we have a drainage system. But sometimes when it rains really hard, it gets a little overrun. Well, I woke up to not a pool on a patio, but just one pool, the water had risen to the level where it was over our pool, and now spilling onto our patio. And it was just inches away from starting to come into our house. So I had a meeting there, I was going to come and help set some of this stuff up at 930 on Friday morning and I called and said, Hey, I'm gonna be late, because we have a crisis on our hands. And so I'm literally like, I'm in my sweatpants and a sweatshirt and I just run outside grab a balloon broom, and I start brooming the water off of our patio into our flower beds. Just to try to give the drainage some relief, only to notice that because it's raining so hard that our pools just, it's full, and the water, I'm not getting anywhere. And so I finally realized like, Okay, I got to do something besides this. So I thought siphon. That's why I need to do I need to start siphoning water out of the pool. So I go get my garden hose. Listen, those of you who know me know that I'm not overly

Shane Rogers 22:17
handyman person. I do my best. But in fact, in our relationship and Heather and I's relationship, Heather's more handy, but she was still sleeping because I had getting up gotten up early, because I had some things to do. So Nevertheless, I'm outside, and I'm trying to figure out how do you siphon out of a pool with with a garden hose. Now you're probably thinking, Well, that's easy, Shane, I know how to do that. Well, it's not easy to me. So I went to whatever handyman does, I went to Google, and I went ahead and Googled, how do you siphon figured it out? I went to my front yard, got my garden hose. And, and I figured it out. And I went and put the garden hose in. And then I put the other side on the other side of the yard hoping it was gonna siphon. Nothing, no siphon, no water coming out. So at this point, Heather comes out. And she's in her pajamas. And she's like, What are you doing? Meanwhile, it's pouring. It's dumping. And when it rains in San Diego, it dumps. So I'm outside. It's dumping. I'm trying to get the stupid garden hose to siphon water out of the pool. So Heather goes, Oh, yeah, I know how to siphon it. Well, of course you do. Heather, of course. Okay. I get it. How do you do it? She said, Well, you got to you got to take one end and put it in the pool and the other end. You just got to suck on it really hard until the water comes out. I'm like, Oh, of course. That's what we're gonna do so, so I get the other side of the stupid hose. And now I'm literally kneeling down in my front yard. I'm soaking. I mean, I am soaking wet. I've got one end of the stupid garden hose. And I'm sucking on it as hard as I can. I almost passed out. Sucking on it. Finally, a little bit of water. I'm like, Yes, success, and I let go. And it's like this tiny little trickle. So I sucked. It was like you just got to suck harder. I'm sucking on this stupid hose. And finally it gets like a tiny little trickle and Heather's like, yeah, the hose is probably too long. That's probably all you're gonna get. And I'm thinking water is about to come into our house. We have a giant lake in our backyard. And I have this little trickle of a stupid garden hose. I'm thinking this is not going to work. I finally break down go to Lowe's spent $250 And I bought me a pump. And we started pumping water out of our pool into our front yard. And finally we started making some headway and thankfully I'm here to tell you on Easter Sunday that there was no water in our house because of the pump because the siphon didn't work. My gosh. Friday can be dark. I'll tell you what. And it was interesting like all day, all day. I was just like feeling this heavy. It's raining. I Like I was so cold, and I was running around getting stuff done. I went into the Lowe's and I had like the mask and the gloves and, you know, just epic. And I'll never forget waking up on Saturday morning.

Shane Rogers 25:16
And I didn't check the weather. I was just thinking it's going to be an epic weekend. And I woke up Saturday morning, and I went outside to check the pump and check the pool. And I'll never forget the sound of the birds chirping. I looked up and there was blue sky. The storm hadn't gone permanently, but it broke. And the birds were chirping. And it was just this moment where I looked around, everything's green, my pools down stuff had kind of dried off, I go out to my front yard. And it's just like, beautiful. And I just felt like the Lord whispered to me this reminder that like no matter how dark things get, no matter how epic things feel in the moment, sometimes, sometimes it gets darkest right before sunrise right before a turn right before a resurrection. And I just felt like that Jesus was like reminding me Easter's coming Easter's coming. And I don't know if that encourages you today, but I feel like sometimes the Lord uses things as signs to speak to me. And I have a question, as I've been thinking about that. If there was a God in heaven. And I don't want to suppose that everybody's watching believes that there is and maybe you're in between, and maybe you're like, I don't know. And in light of the Coronavirus, like, what kind of God would let that happen? So I'm sort of doubting. But I want to ask you a question. If there was a God in heaven, and he was trying to communicate to you he was trying to reach you? Would he be able to? And could you hear him? If you're with us a year ago, last Easter, I introduced one of my favorite analogies, illustrations that I found. And I want to, I want to reintroduce that for a moment. And, and it's the Voyager in 1977, mankind released a spacecraft that's about the size of a Volkswagen Bug into the atmosphere. And you'll see a picture up on your screen and, and this though, the whole point in this was that Jimmy Carter, who is the President wanted to send a message to any potential life forms out there about earth about who we are. And it's really literally slung shot around every planet until it got into our outer atmosphere. And I didn't show this last time. But I found this picture. Because this is a famous picture that the Voyager took one last time as it was peering back towards Earth. And it was literally 400 billion miles away, it took this picture, it'll be up on your screen, but it's called the pale blue dot. And this picture you're looking at is the image that the Voyager took looking back on Earth from that many miles away. And the next picture is there's there's a little circle that indicates what that.is that.is Earth. And I just thought that in a time like this, where things feel epic, I feel like we're living in the twilight zone with everything going on, you go to the grocery store, and they're letting you in to buy to with masks and gloves and hazmat suits, and it just feels sci fi. And I just think it's good to step back for a moment and realize how big our universe and world really is, and how small we are. And the Bible says that God holds all of it in the palm of his hand, he slung the stars into the universe.

Shane Rogers 28:59
There was one simple, simple flaw though, in the Voyager. Now the Voyager is still flying out in the outer atmosphere. But there was one one flaw because the purpose of the Voyager was that that we would be able to communicate, we would be able to communicate who we are and our heartbeat, and if there was aliens out there that they would get this Voyager, and that they would somehow understand through what we sent about us about Earth. And the way they communicated was a golden record. And you'll see the screen up there super fascinating. They actually fasten this golden record to the Voyager. And on this record, they put all kinds of things, they put albums, they put pictures, they put a letter from Jimmy Carter, basically trying to communicate. And this is what the record was intended to communicate was a story of the world and of humans on Earth, a token Our sounds are science, our music, and our thoughts and feelings. But this was the flaw. The flaw is that we realize that a message without the person is incomplete and open to interpretation. So it was simply just a message, there was no person of obviously, it wasn't a manned aircraft. And this was, you know, a long, long time ago, and it's still floating out there. But it was it was lifeless, it was just simply some tokens of our imagery. And yet we know how easy it is to misinterpret information, when it's just a message without the person I was thinking about being in quarantine and how easy it is, and how much we can relate with this, because we can't have a lot of face to face. In fact, even when we are face to face, we have masks on. So the you know, the they say that 90% of all communication is nonverbal. And so it's difficult to to express how you feel how many times you've got an email, and you miss read it because they said something and didn't put an emoji after it and didn't put a smiley face. And so you thought that they were mad. And in fact, they were celebrating you, but because of the way they word it you get all frustrated? How many times does that happen over a text message? It's so easy to misinterpret a message without the person and I think if we're honest, God has been trying to send a message since the beginning and we have misunderstood him, he has been misconstrued and mis represented often garden in the Garden of Eden started in the enemy came to Eve and said, Listen, if God was really loving, like if he was really for you, then then he would let you eat from any of the trees. In fact, he's trying to hold you back and that tree is gonna make you wise and that's why God doesn't want you to eat it see misconstruing, and and interpreting the message differently about who God is, we see it with the children of Israel, God sends a a savior in Moses, and delivers them out of Egypt, and they're wandering through the desert, and God is doing all kinds of things to try and communicate to them. And yet they are desperately complaining. And they have arrived at the conclusion that God is not love. See, over and over, we judge the Creator based on fallen creation. And it's kind of a theme throughout the Bible, that, that the creation we judge the Creator, based on our world around us, and when our world is falling in our world is painful when we are in suffering, then we attribute that to that must that must be who God is. And so and so God, in His love sent a voyage or didn't he, he sent his son Jesus Christ so that we might see him and touch him and behold him and know who he is, who he really is what he sounds like. And if and if he could communicate in a record, a sound of Heaven record, he would say that this record was intended to communicate the story of heaven. And of God and of angels, a token of our sounds, our science, our music, our thoughts, our feelings and our love. That's what Jesus was meant to do. He came to communicate his love.

Shane Rogers 33:41
And so Jesus came with a message super simple. Jesus came with a message and that is this. I am love. And I am enough. This is really important statement on this Easter Sunday is that Jesus, the Voyager that God sent to earth to communicate to you and me and that message was so simple. I am love. And I am enough. Nothing more, nothing less. You see it with Jesus, with the woman at the well. Jesus encounters her and just by being there and talking to her he's communicating love because she was a Samaritan but she had all kinds of dilemmas. She had all kinds of problems and she came drawing water. And Jesus says to her, that if you knew who I am, if you knew who I was, then you would ask for a drink and I would give you one and you would never thirst. Again, see, not only do I love you, but I am enough. You would not thirst if you received who I am, because whatever you're going through, I am enough John chapter 17 Verse 23, sums up Jesus's prayer to the Father, this is right before he is crucified, and Jesus is praying to the Father, and this is one of his prayers to the Father, that the world will know that you sent me as a voyager into the world, and that you love them. As much as you love me. This was Jesus Prayer that they would know you sent me. And that they would know you love them. As much as you love me why, because the message was clear. God is love. And his love is enough. Jesus was sent into a dark, evil, full world full of suffering. The, the landscape that Jesus was sent into was evil. It was cruel, it was the Roman Empire. I mean, the the everything was domineering, and dark. This was the world that Jesus went into. And it's why the disciples and everybody else hoped that Jesus was actually going to come and save them physically roll into Jerusalem and take over because it was so dark and so oppressive. And yet, never once was the message of Jesus, I've come to end suffering, never wants to Jesus say, I'm here to make the world perfect, and pain free and suffering free. In fact, Jesus said the opposite. He said, In this world, in this life, in this temporary life, you will have trouble and yet be of good cheer. Why? Why not only because I am love, but because I am enough, I have overcome the world. So I am. Enough. See, when Jesus was at the woman at the well, he wasn't offering her an exchange so that she all of her circumstances, she's been with six different husbands, and her life is a disaster. And he wasn't offering her a perfect life, he was offering her himself. If you accept me, I'm enough, you won't thirst anymore. See, in the midst of pain and sorrow,

Shane Rogers 37:21
He is love. And he is enough. John, chapter 11. Verse 33, is his beautiful picture. And I know I'm bouncing around, but I just want you to follow me because I'm creating a narrative about Jesus, and about our world, and about the message that he actually came to send, so that we wouldn't make the mistake that generations before us have made that when we look at the world when we look at a fallen planet, and we say, wow, there's a lot of pain down here. So God, if there is a God, you must be really judgmental, and you must be really angry. And maybe all of these billions of years that you've been alive, man have just been a bummer for you. And so you're taking it out on us. We judge the Creator based on creation, and Jesus say no, don't make that mistake. Because I am love and I am enough. And so when we see Jesus in John chapter 11, verse 33, it says Jesus was greatly troubled. What was the troubled about? Well, he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, and everybody around Mary and Martha and the people that he loved, were were grieving. They were weeping, they were crying. Because because Lazarus had already been dead for four days, and they're like Jesus, why couldn't you have come? You could have healed them. But now it's done. And so they were so sorrowful, and it's actually the place where it says that Jesus wept. But before that, it says that he was deeply grieved in his spirit. And if you look into the language of that, what it was actually saying was that Jesus was disturbed and frustrated, but he wasn't frustrated at anybody. And he wasn't even frustrating at the mourning process. The language infers that he was frustrated at death. He was frustrated at the pain and sorrow that this fallen world brings on the object of his affection. And so he showed up this voyage or not just to communicate but to step into our pain and our sorrow. And he did so at such a level, that he was physically grieved at the way that this world affects humanity. says in Isaiah as a prophecy about Jesus, and Isaiah chapter 53, surely, he took our sorrow, and He bore our suffering, so he didn't just take our sin. It's this grief and this sorrow that he bore, because he knew firsthand how difficult it was. We don't live with an absentee God or a distant God, we We live with a God that came near walked among us, and then did something about it by conquering sin, hell, and the grave. This is the God that we serve. And so we just started our message by simply saying that there is a message. And this message is simple. God is love. And he is enough. So in the midst of this time, I mean, we're contending for a loved one right now who's in the hospital, and he's been fighting for his life, and many of you have you have been praying for him. And in this time, we know that God is love. And he is enough. I don't need to look anywhere else to find what I need for my soul, from my mind, from my heart, from my circumstances, Jesus gives us himself on this Easter Sunday, he's enough. The second idea, and this is kind of where we're gonna land the plane on this Easter Sunday, there's a message that Jesus came to bring, and it's a he's love, and that he's enough. But see, it didn't end there. Jesus didn't just carry a message. He wasn't just handing handing us an album or a CD and saying, look at these pictures and look at these, you'll listen to these sounds. And this is kind of idea of who we are. He actually came with a message and a mission. Jesus came with a mission, and you know what this mission was to do for us? What we could never do for ourselves, to do for us, but we could never do for our selves, see, our world is broken. We know that. I mean, look around. Listen, God did not cause this pandemic. We live in a broken, fallen world.

Shane Rogers 41:54
But Jesus, He came to do something that you and I could never do, not just for a fallen world. But you and I are broken, as well. We live in a broken world, but we are broken. People all have sinned, and all have fallen short of the glory of God. And so Jesus came and He said, listen, not only do you live in a fallen and broken world, but you're broken, and you're fallen, because you were born into this. And so we are all sinful. We have all gone wayward. And so Jesus said, not only did I come to communicate who I am, and give you who I am, but I came to do something about what you could never do for yourself. Someone call it a sin problem. And I think we have a sin problem. I think we're sinners. And I think that we sin. And I always used to think that that was it. And it was always a little bit shallow for me, because I always used to look at Easter and think about the cross and think about the sin, my sins that were paid for through the blood of Jesus, which is true. But the story doesn't stop there. And the miracle isn't, it doesn't find its emphasis in that seed Jesus. And our message with Christianity is not so much about the cross. That was a means to an end. And what Jesus accomplished on that cross is significant, but without the grave without the empty tomb. Without the resurrection, there is no Christianity because there is no brand new life. See, we don't just have a sin problem. We have an identity problem, don't we? Because we don't just sin we are sinners. And so I think we have a shame problem. Shame is an interesting thing. See, Satan didn't come to Adam and Eve just to distort their view of God or even to get them to make a mistake. Satan came to change their view of themselves, change their identity, the garden was described as they were naked and unashamed. And then after sin, they hid themselves in shame, because of who they now have become. So you and I are dilemma the thing that we could never fix for ourselves is that we are sinners and we constantly and will always carry around the reality of the things that we've done. Say I can accept Jesus and that he paid for my sins. But over here, I know who I really am and who I really am to the core. My flesh is a sinner and Jesus came to take care of that Hebrews chapter 12, verse two, says this, Looking unto Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising its shame. It literally says that Jesus on the cross, despised the shame. It's interesting. Why? Because of what shame is. See, guilt says I feel guilty for what I did. And I'm sorry, I made a mistake. Listen to what shame says shame. Shame is different. Shame says I feel ashamed of who I am. And I'm sorry, I am. I mistake. How many of you out there on this Easter Sunday, we'd love to celebrate and see all the wonderful colors. And I tried to make things more colorful, even with this tie. And we all try to rally our emotions and get excited about what Jesus did. But at the end of the day, when you look in the mirror, you are still faced with a very simple reality.

Shane Rogers 45:46
Whatever happened on the cross, and whatever message Jesus came to give, at the end of the day, I am still a failure. Because I'm not perfect, I have failed, I have done wrong. And for the rest of my life, I could try to work to try to make up for all the wrong but I still have done those things. And so they haunt me Do they haunt you the wrong and the sin lurking inside of me, this is shame. Shame says I am a mistake. I am shameful. And ultimately, what shameful is what shame is, is the fear of not being worthy of love and connection, not being worthy of love, and connection. So God came and sent Jesus and said, I am love and I am enough. And now he came and said, I came to do for you what you cannot do for yourself. And that is change who you are. See Jesus didn't just come to do something for you. He came to change you you were dead, and now you're alive. That's what the grave represents is that we literally walk into the tomb with him, we are buried with him in Christ. And when when we raised to life, the shame is gone. Because we're not the same people anymore. And man, maybe that sounds basic. And maybe that sounds Elementary. And maybe that sounds what you learned in Sunday school. But I'm telling you when you look at yourself in the mirror, and you see who you really are the grave, and Easter Sunday, and resurrection means you are a different person, and that new person is flawless. Before God, this is good news, because otherwise, we're forced to do something to remedy the problem. And so what do we do, we work really hard. And some of you, I think, are in this situation where you work really hard. You've been working really hard. And maybe Easter's typically the place that you come once a year that you come to church, and that's your way of working at, I got to be better, I got to get better, I got to do better. And maybe this is your New Year's resolution, I got to get back into church, even if it's online. And so you work at it, and you work at it. And it reminds me of somebody in the pouring down rain, sucking on a stupid garden hose trying to siphon water out of the lake that I have in my backyard, only seeing a tiny little trickle. And can I tell you what your good works are in comparison to the ocean of sin that you and I have to deal with. And yet we get that hose, don't we? And we suck on that and we suck on that. And we siphon and we siphon just trying desperately to make a dent at the real us at the shame that we feel at the guilt I just need to do a little bit better. I just got to get in church more and do some more good things. And what Jesus said is, listen, I came to do what you could never do for yourself. I'm going to land on the Scripture second Corinthians chapter five, verse 20. This is the most profound scripture on Easter Sunday. And it says, For he made him Jesus, who knew no sin, to become sin for us to be sin, become sin on the cross, boring the shame that we might become the righteousness of God in him that we might become something different. I want to encourage you today you don't belong in that tomb. Some of you are still in the tomb. Some of you, maybe you've accepted Jesus, maybe you've accepted His sacrifice, but you haven't accepted your new identity. And so you're in grave clothes fully alive, still in the tomb not accepting your new real identity. And I'm here to tell you that Jesus bore your sin became your sin on the cross. And now you are somebody different turn to your brother, your sister, somebody that's there, even your dog and say I'm new. I'm different. When I come out of the grave, I'm not the same person. And so that's what revenue Sunday represents not only do we serve a God that's love, and then our God is all that we need. He is enough in this time, but we serve a God that came out of the grave and invites us to come out of the grave to come out of the grave of shame, come out of the grave of condemnation coming out of that grave of addiction come out of that grave of sorrow. Jesus Himself is calling you out to be brand new, this is Easter, His resurrection is our resurrection. To

Shane Rogers 50:42
His resurrection is your resurrection. Will you pray with me? We bow your heads wherever you are. Jesus, I pray this morning, even through this Facebook Live, that your message would be clear. You are Love, and you are enough. And that love didn't just stop at weeping in front of the grave of Lazarus, that love was demonstrated on the cross where you said it is finished, where you conquered sin, hell and the grave. And then on the third day, on Sunday, on this day, you rose out of that grave inviting us to a resurrection story, too. And so I want to ask you, mother, father, son, daughter, husband, wife, as you're sitting there with your eyes closed? Is this your moment? Is this your resurrection moment, I want to invite you to say the certain sinners prayer, and this prayer is simply appropriating what I just described, so that when you open your eyes, you have not just had your faults and your failures taken away by the blood of Jesus. But there's something something new inside of you that takes place that makes you brand new as you come out of that tomb, wearing the robe of righteousness instead of the robe of shame. And so you say this prayer with me say, Lord Jesus, I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I'm asking you now. Come into my heart. Jesus, I make you Lord and Savior. From this moment on. I will serve you now. I receive your love. I am a brand new person in Christ. In Jesus name, a man and amen. God bless you have an amazing rest of your Easter. And we'll see you next week right here on Facebook Live

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Easter 2020
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