Feeding on His Faithfulness

Shane Rogers 0:00
Heart Church Online. Oh my gosh, we are so excited about what God's gonna do today. And thanks for joining us on Facebook Live. Got a lot of you here just jumping on and just gonna pause for a few minutes and stall as we allow people to just kind of hop on and man, take a deep breath, as we have an opportunity to really encounter God right here in the middle of your living room. And we kind of set up a living room here at our church and you're going to see different camera angles to experience that. I'm not sure exactly what angle you have now, but on my right, we've got Mike and he's on drums we've added on keys crystal is in the background, she's gonna be singing, as well as Dylan and man, I'm really pumped about just the worship, we're gonna bring in the message that I feel like God has for you. And I hope you're doing well hope you're staying encouraged moms out there. God bless you for homeschooling your kids, even if you didn't sign up for that. I know we've been in that scenario, but it's been a blessing. So hey, just as you guys continue to jump on, Hey, Mindy, Jenny, oh my gosh, my brother and his family. So excited to see all of you. Thank you for joining us, Hey, I wanted to highlight a couple things. One is, you know, Facebook's a great opportunity to connect. And that's what our heart and desire was, why this isn't pre recorded. It's actually live. Because we want this to feel like community. And so use that comment section to just connect, say, hey, even write in prayer requests. Kristin, who manages social media, she's gonna sort of facilitate that conversation. You can actually talk during my message and I won't know it. And so yeah, I want to encourage you to continue to engage with one another in this process. And so, hey, I'm gonna pray. Father, God, we just, we just want to pause for a moment and recognize that you're on the throne, Jesus, that you have incredible things in store for us. Well, we saw you interacting with the disciples and middle of their storms and God you always brought peace you always brought a word, Jesus, you always brought destiny and hope and I know you're doing that for us. And so I pray that in the next few moments, as we lean into you, that this would be no different. Right here in this living room here translated to their living rooms. We are connected. We are connected by your Spirit. We are connected by the resurrection life that's in us and it's with that hope that we put our eyes on you and we sing with all of our minds that you are good. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen God bless you

Unknown Speaker 3:12
soon I was buried was buried beneath shame Shane you carry chi oh wait he was

Unknown Speaker 3:37
there try do Hi he was nice to see you you call

Unknown Speaker 4:55
see Hi say bye I saw Have you seen Jesus Jesus Jesus you call so I need to rescue the rescue or sin was heavy but chains break out the weight of your glory I need shelter I was in or now you call me a citizen

Unknown Speaker 6:58
you you call him now into your glorious stay you call my red hot Cray Hey hot into your glorious day call me you call me Camilla hood or the darkness you call me to your marvelous lie call me hi she want me to go deeper call me by Monday call me your son whoa How do the darkness into your mind's eye have been set free. Now free and D Haneda rescue and you were there I need in my change to brain. You were there to break them

Unknown Speaker 9:44
I needed your hands. Lift me I need a rescue. My sin was heavy. But chains pray got the weight of your glory. I need a child. I was an orphan. Now you call me a citizen of heaven. I needed rescue. My sin was heavy. The chains break out the weight of your glory. I needed shelter I was in or now he'll call me again I need a rescue. Honey to rescue us in less heavy chains Bray he got the widow yo needed shelter you call me a citizen? is nothing less than Jesus and righteousness did not try us the sweetest free but holy trust in Jesus is on thing. Jesus by righteous do not dry eyes, the sweetest. Holy trust in Jesus Christ the cornerstone we say yours He is low, low darkness seems to hide his face on him every high and stormy day Bye girl holds? Shell which vitznau In Justin is awry she's so all this before throwing he shall come when he shall calm bits in him in his before it sets it up seeing it again he showed

Unknown Speaker 17:40
when he shouted when Trump is in him to rest in his sights

Unknown Speaker 18:15
We. cries joy the cornerstone we made in the sea goes and through the stone he is law Hello

Philip Jordan 20:14
good morning heart, church family. Man, I love that song so much we love and miss you guys, it is so awesome to be able to have this technology allow us to be staying connected with each other. And so I hope that you were sitting in your in your house, with your family, with your hands up praising God for that that was awesome. This has been so much fun, this new change up for us, I'm sure you can see we put a lot of work into this, a lot of people came to work their tushies off to make sure you're kind of improving every single Sunday as we learn how this works, and how we can best really lean into God. And we're not together like this. So thank you for joining us, if you don't know I'm name is Philip Jordan, I'm one of the council members and I lead Men's Ministry here at our church. And we're about to have a chance to hear Pastor Shane get up and give us a word that's straight from from God, which will be amazing. But before we do that, I want to really kind of just say thank you to the community that's been here that's working so hard to make this happen. And knowing that we are still a church. So we really have a need when it comes to your your grateful and your generous hearts. Regards to giving. There's a couple different ways if you should have seen on the screen here shortly, ways for you to give. And that's either either through an app, going onto the Heart Church app, going onto our website, or office, you can send in the mail check to us, we really, really appreciate that. And I want to pray over that time right now. And pray over your generous giving. You can just bow your heads Lord, Father, God, I thank you for this opportunity to just lean into praising and worshiping you. You're amazing, Lord, we love you. You are the king in the midst of all this shenanigans going on God, we can trust that you are for us. When you're for us who can be against us. And that's nobody, Lord, I want us pray over those who give to this Heart Church and call this place home. That you just bless them in this time of shelter in place. Bless them in time, if they've lost their jobs or that you have a you have another job for them. For those that are sitting at home or just that prayer healing hand over them. We love you. And we praise you in church. In your name we pray Jesus, amen. Amen. Let's bring up pastor Shane.

Shane Rogers 22:05
Amen, and Amen. We'll right where you're at. Can we just thank Phil and the team for such an incredible job, I love that worship, I love even just being on with you guys in a little bit, just a little bit of interaction. Love it the way that social media has created a platform for us. And man, I want to dive right in. Like I said, my name is Shane, and maybe you're tuning in and you're in Escondido and looking for church. Or maybe you're somewhere else in the world or the United States, looking for hope, looking for encouragement. And I have good news. And that is we have hope. And we have good news. And so I want to invite you to turn with me to John chapter 20. And we'll have some slides up there for you as well. And we're going to we're going to dive into a story that was really on my heart, in light of what we've been going through in fact, two weeks ago, if you were able to hear the message view the message I taught on Mary Magdalene, and the way that she interacted encountered Jesus just coming out of the tomb. And And this week, I want to sort of revisit that story from a different angle and talk about the disciples, and the way that Jesus interacted and encountered them as they were hiding away in fear. And the title, my message, if you're taking notes is feeding on his faithfulness, feeding on his faithfulness. And so I'm going to pick up in John chapter 20, I'm gonna be reading from the ESV. Like I said, it'll be up there. And we're going to start in verse 19. And it says this, on the day. On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked, where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, Peace be with you. When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side and the disciples were glad that they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, Peace be with you, as the Father has sent me even so I am sending you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any they're forgiven them and if you withhold forgiveness from any it will be withheld. Jesus, I want to pray for a moment over your word God, I ask that it would be illuminated to us. Your words specifically says that it's living inactive and it's able to change us from the inside out. It's the only thing that can and so God in these times, I pray that your light truly would be a beacon of hope to awaken something in us breathe once again on your people. In Jesus name, a man So, being in the long middle, is, uh, is frustrating to say the least. Have you ever started a project and been like, super excited about it? Like, I'm thinking, you know, I'm a big visual person. So anytime I'm endeavoring to do anything, I like to write it down. And in fact, if you know me, you know, I like whiteboards, because I'm so visual. And so like, in my office, I got whiteboards. And I like to draw, and I'm not very good drawer, but I just to like, get it on the whiteboard, and dream about what could be. And that's so much fun. But but then reality steps in a couple days later, when you see everything still on the whiteboard, and nothing's happened. That's called the long middle. The end is exciting, if it ever comes to fruition. And the beginning is amazing. But the long middle is tough. It's kind of like when you think about cleaning your garage, I know that we've had a little bit of extra time on our hands at the house. And when, when you're in between homeschooling the kids, and making sure that you're not losing your mind, and you're not binge watching the Netflix series, then you're sort of looking around the house, like I am going, what projects, maybe could I do right now, and one of them is for me cleaning the garage. And if you're like me on the garage deal, the beginning is fun, because you get all inspired, you're probably like, You've done this before with your garage, you look in the garage, and it's just a mess, and you get inspired, and you pull everything out of the garage into the driveway. Because you're gonna organize stuff, you're gonna throw stuff away, you're gonna take a run to the dump, it's gonna be amazing. And then about, like, somewhere between an hour and two hours in to everything being in the driveway, you sort of lose your steam. And then it suddenly dawns on you that you could just throw your stuff back in the garage, and it's gonna be fine. And that's called the long, middle.

Shane Rogers 27:03
And so I'm sort of sort of in thinking about the reality that we're in. And that is that sort of with this whole season unique season in the life of our families, our communities, our nation. I feel like we're kind of in the long middle. I mean, if there was any excitement to like, Hey, babe, I get to stay home a little bit longer. I'll have more time with the kids, right, we'll get to hunker down and, you know, watching TV and relax that that excitements over. And now we're just trying to survive. In the midst of all this. I know, you know what I'm talking about, kind of in the middle. And I was thinking about, that it's in the long middle that we're susceptible to comfort foods. Now, this is not an infomercial for my favorite cereal, although it's so good. But, uh, a wonderful couple of hours, friends of ours came over to our house, you know who you are, I think you're watching. They came over, because they announced that they're starting a new diet. And they had just gone to the grocery store, not on a diet. And they bought a bunch of food that they're no longer eating. And this is one of them. And they brought over semitones crunch. And so like a good pastor, I received it with joy. And then I ate it. So I had to go buy a new box because I ate the other one. This represents comfort food, because that's what we do in the long middle. We try to figure out any way to to find solace to find peace to find comfort, and let's just say today, haven't been on a diet. I've been enjoying food. Anybody out there with me. And one of the things that comfort food does is it makes you feel bloated. And bloated is sort of an interesting term, but it comes from inflammation. I just want to geek out on you just for a moment, because I want to read to you some of the effects of inflammation in our body when we eat foods that are inflammatory. Inflammation is the body's natural response to safeguard against infection. When it senses a threat, the immune systems response is inflammation even when there is no threat. And the result is damage to internal tissues and swollen joints. I don't know if you can relate with me but when I'm eating food that I probably shouldn't be eating an excess of then I feel a little bit bloated I feel a little bit swollen because that is my body reacting to me eating comfort food. Now, how in the world does that relate? With us being in the long, middle, well, I wrote this down, you'll see it up on the screen, when we feed on the wrong thing. Our soul begins to sense a threat, and respond with anxiety, with fear and with panic when we feed on the wrong thing and Psalm chapter 37, verse three says, Trust in the Lord and do good dwell in the land and feed on his faithfulness, feeding on the Lord's faithfulness in this time is going to be like the Lord breathing new life into you. Amen. We are going to dive right in, we're going to feed on the Lord's faithfulness, because I believe that God wants to breathe that new life into us all. It's not going to come from the government, it's not going to come from good news from Capitol Hill is not going to come from the stock market. It is going to come as we dive into the one true source of everything. And that's Jesus. And everyone said, Amen. So Jesus shows up to these disciples right in the middle of them binging on comfort food, and Netflix. I mean, they're scared, they're fearful. They are locked in quarantine. Like, they're literally worst day ever. And Jesus just shows up in the middle, and he speaks something to them. Profound he speaks Peace be with you. Now that word peace literally means wholeness, totality, and a sense of completion. It's not just peace, as in lack of worry. It's the full package. Let me ask you this. Where does your sense of peace? Where does your sense of security and hope come from?

Shane Rogers 31:58
What are you looking for today, in the midst of this time, to have that sense of connection of peace. The disciples had had sort of heard this speech before, because in John chapter 14, before Jesus died, and was rose, risen again, he talked to them about this very thing. And you'll see up on the screen, John, chapter 14, verse 27, and this is out of the passion, translation, love the Scripture. It says, I leave this Jesus talking, I leave the gift of peace with you, my peace, not the kind of fragile peace given by the world. But my catch this perfect peace, perfect peace. Don't yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts. And then he says this instead be courageous. Now it's interesting. Many theologians believe that Jesus was actually doing something significant here. When when Jesus was talking to disciples about this, he was connecting them with a verse in the Old Testament that they would have known really well and it was Joshua, chapter one, verse nine, I'll bet you you know, that scripture. Remember when Joshua was flipping out freaking out, Moses just died, he didn't need like his his world was caving in around him. And God came to Joshua. And he said, Have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage. Don't be afraid, don't be dismayed for I'm with you. And so Jesus is showing up and he's connecting them. With us with this profound idea. It's not just about having peace. It's about rising up with a sense of boldness and courage that God is with us and he is working. And so when Jesus showed up and said, Peace be with you, he was connecting all of those dots, not just to what he had said, but what they had read about one of their heroes in the faith, Joshua. So I love the sequence of, of Jesus's appearing. So, notice, notice what he does next. So he starts with peace, right? Peace be with you, and they're freaking out. And they're like, oh, and so then you would expect Jesus to say, like, like, it's okay, now. You're safe, like you can come out of hiding. I'm not going to let them hurt you. And so that's why you can have peace almost like Daddy's here, right? Like, you don't have to worry now I'm here. And so you can have peace. Or better yet you would expect Jesus to say peace be with you. And then say, guys, like Remember what I taught you? Right? You want to have a blessed life, and full of my piece and provision. How's your walk? Like keeping the 10 commandments? Like how about those be attitudes? I mean, guys, listen, I gave you all this good stuff I equipped you for this moment. And then like you're losing your minds. So listen, how about this? How about I go away again for three days. And I give you another opportunity to sort of prove yourself because you guys are flipping out. And I'm telling you, you need to have peace. And so guys, you really need to get your act together. Do you ever feel like, you need to prove yourself? Like, do you ever feel like the sense of peace that you're going to get with God is going to come from you getting your act together? I do. Even in this time. Anytime I'm going through a struggle and a trial. Like I hesitate to put it on God, I always look to me and I go, Shane, get it together. And Jesus comes in, he says, Peace be with you. And then in verse 20, is the most profound thing about the story, because this is what happens next. It says, When he had said this, he showed them, his hands. And his side. He just held out his hands, and he said, See what I did for you. Like, that was the source of all things. It wasn't like, hey, promises for the future, you're never going to struggle anymore. I'm here. Let's get out of here. And let's go conquer the world. And it wasn't guys, you really need to get yourself together. And you really need to prove yourself because I'm leaving everything to you. It was just like, hey, guys, peace be with you. Look what I did. Look what I did. For you.

Shane Rogers 36:52
See our way out of the storms in our life will never be clinging to our good work or our behavior, but it will be feeding on his faithfulness. Do you remember Mary and Martha? Remember when they were in their storm and their crisis and their world was falling apart? You remember when, when Lazarus was was dead, and he had been dead for three days, and Mary and Martha are at at the lowest point in their life. And they had no idea what to do except call on Jesus. And so when they call on Jesus, you would have thought that they would have said, Jesus come now come and heal Lazarus, we know you can. And by the way, Lazarus, this this Lazarus, your friend, he is the one that loves you deeply. He's the one that's been faithful to you. So please come if there's anyone that you should reach out to and extend mercy to its Lazarus, he's deserved it. Like he deserves it. He's proven himself. That's probably what I would have done. It's what I do. At times when I'm struggling, as I say, God, we you, we help me because I've done my best and, and if you helped me, I will serve you. I will, I will be so faithful to you if you just come down and help me. Like if you could just throw me a bone, I will love you for my whole life. But it's not what happened. And it's not what we see in Scripture, Mary and Martha, they appeal to Jesus, not on Lazarus, his goodness, but on God's goodness. Because what they said was, come quickly, the one whom you love is sick, the one whom you love. It's his faithfulness, that anchors us in hope not ours. The one who you love, come quickly. CRPS is anchored in the finished work of the Cross. And that's just simple idea. But it's so profound in this moment in this long middle that we're in don't binge on all the things that you think might give you solace and security and hope. But it's only in the finished work of Jesus as he models and see my hands see what I have done for you. That's what I've come that's the message that I bring his see what I've done for you, not what you're gonna do for me, not what I expected you to do for me but what I did for you, and so Peace be with you. There's another thing that these wounds represent and see the the disciples, the disciples were in the darkest moment of their of their life because the disciples had a different picture of what this whole thing was going to turn out like see when when They read the prophecies about a Messiah coming, a savior coming to save them from their plight and their situation and rescue the world. Their view of that was that Jesus was going to come, and he was going to roll into Jerusalem with an army and he was going to take over because at the time, the Roman Empire was absolutely cruel and dominating. And so they believe that Jesus, when he got on that donkey, they were disappointed. By the way, it was a donkey, they wish it would have been like a horse that's way cooler. But he got on a donkey, and he rolled in, and everyone waved the palm branches, and he came into Jerusalem, they believed that this was their moment. And it's why they said, Hey, Jesus, when you go to power, will you let us sit on your right and on your left, like when you're the man, maybe we could be your number one and number two guys. Because then when we go into Jerusalem, we can rule together, it's going to be amazing Jesus. So this was what they had in their mind. And so the opposite happened. Jesus was brutally murdered. And they stood by some of them, denied him, rejected Him, sold him out. And now they're huddled up in a room in the darkest moment, and Jesus comes and he shows them his wounds. And these wounds must have been tormenting to them at first. Have you ever gone through something dark in your life? And when you come out of it, those are not the memories that you want? I mean, how long does it take for a wound to become a scar?

Shane Rogers 41:49
When you go through something, there's there's memories attached to that song? Does the song ever take you back to, to that moment? Those dark times? What about pictures, there was a season in my life where, where I literally went back, and I had to delete pictures from that season of time, because they just instantly took me back there, those dark moments. And I think that for them, they had probably a flashback of when Jesus was being beaten, and crucified. And he shows them those wounds those scars. But I believe that there was something connected to it that was so profound that Jesus was doing he see he wasn't just saying, like you can have peace, because of what I did on the cross, he was connecting something to the resurrection. See that? The cross is is is duplicity. It's there's two sides to it that are so important to the cross, and the grave, the cross and the grave. The Cross has to do with our sins, our sins are nailed there, they are canceled, the debt against us is complete. And that's what we see in the blood of Jesus to wash away our sins. But Jesus didn't stay on the cross. And it didn't finish with our sins being completely taken care of. He went into the grave. And then he rose again. He's no longer there representing resurrection, restorative redeeming power. See, Jesus was connecting them, to His redeeming work to restore all things. Jesus is using this moment to remind them, that he redeems all things. And I think that that's relevant in our life, not just for, you know, the Coronavirus in the season that we're in the long middle. But Jesus, his favorite thing to do, and his most profound work is to take something that's broken and make it beautiful again, only he can do that. And it's not based on your merit and your good works. It's based on us surrendering to Him receiving His goodness feeding on his faithfulness. And I think he was reminding the disciples that listen. My body was broken. But I am alive and well. I have been restored. Now let me begin to restore you. Let me restore the world. The empty grave reveals resurrection power. See what you saw as evidence that your world was falling apart? I'm using as a sign. What would God use in your life right now to be a sign I like the desert. That seems like the worst moment, but that very thing becomes the doorway to hope. I know, in my life, I've experienced things that seemed like there were irreplaceable, irredeemable. And yet when God touches it, it becomes beautiful. Again, it doesn't happen overnight. Sometimes it's a journey, sometimes you get stuck in the long, middle. But I promise you that when we give it to Jesus, that He makes it beautiful, and it doesn't always look like we thought it would. In fact, most of the time, it looks much better. He has the ability to put our pieces back together in May you hear that and receive that when you're reminded of the resurrection power of Jesus. And so lastly, what comes next? Next is the most counterculture I think revolutionary thing about this whole story, but it's what connects it all, and makes it all work. See what comes next. Next. Um, it would be one thing if, if Jesus came to them and said, Peace be with you showed them his scars, and said, Man, I'm here. Like, I want you to feel connected and loved. But but here's the deal. Here's the deal.

Shane Rogers 46:22
I think you should stay underground for a little bit. Because Jesus knew that a, he wasn't back for good. Jesus knew that He was just coming to say hey to them, he wasn't coming to rule. He wasn't coming to take over. He wasn't coming to protect them. He was just coming to reveal himself. And then he was leaving, right? And so it would have made sense for Jesus to say, Listen, it's really dark out there. I mean, really dark. In fact, the Roman Empire, they believe that they have completely eliminated this whole Christianity thing, though, it wasn't called that. And so now they're hunting every one of those Christ followers to completely kill them. And so Jesus knew that, that that the success of his message, the success of everything he came to accomplish was hinged upon those disciples staying alive long enough to tell the story. And so I would have thought like, it makes sense for Jesus to say, Listen, guys, I want you to know I'm here and I want you to know you have peace and and I'm restoring things. And so like why don't you just stand around for a little bit like the the padlock that was a good idea. Peter, was that yours? Good call. Let's keep that there. And let's just keep you guys hunkered down just for a little bit. And then the storms gonna move on. And then I'm gonna release you guys out and it's totally not what happened. And we'll read in verse 21. And 22 says, Jesus said to them, as the Father sends me, even so I am sending you. And when he said this, he breathed on them and said, Receive the Holy Spirit. Listen, like I'm landing the plane right here. Either we believe this stuff, or we don't. Like either. Jesus is restoring and redeeming all things. And either we have the Spirit of God living inside of us or we don't. And if we don't, then I think we need to hunker down and be afraid. I wrote this. If the message of the cross only has power, one while we are safely locked in our rooms, then our faith is impotent and the cross was incomplete.

Shane Rogers 49:00
Cross of Jesus Christ. Romans chapter eight, verse 11, says this, yes, God raised Jesus to life. And since God's spirit of resurrection lives in you, He will raise your dying body to life by the same spirit that breathes life into you. Listen, I love gathering. I can't wait to gather again. I can't wait till this whole building is filled with people that need to know the gospel. I love hugs. Oh my gosh, Phil, I miss your hugs. I love I love being being in a place where we can share meals together and go back to small groups like yes, we need that. But listen. Let's not forget that Jesus released peace for the gathering but he released power for the scattering. There is power when we don't have hunker down, there is power. When we are sent out as Jesus breathes life by His Spirit in us, we have something way more contagious than COVID-19. Listen, fear is contagious, but hope and joy and love and the good news is way more contagious, way more potent, and way more powerful as we feed on his faithfulness. I believe that Jesus is breathing life into us. And listen, I'm not making a case that like this, this message isn't even about the Coronavirus. It's about us as people, it's about us as followers of Jesus. But we do find ourselves in the middle of this situation. And I'm not saying that, let's throw caution to the wind. I'm not saying that we shouldn't honor our government and all those things, I think we should listen, I would love to go down to the beach like the next one. But I'm not because the beach is closed. Let's honor our authorities. Let's honor the things that they've set in place. Even here we're practicing social distancing, kind of, to the best of our ability, I've given a couple fist bumps, but in general, we're practicing those things, but in our spirit, and the way in our demeanor and the way that we act and the way we respond. Let's respond with people with power, people of hope, people of destiny, people that are carriers of something that's so profound that the world needs. Let's be the church inside and outside these walls, as we feed on his faithfulness, May you receive His perfect peace, anchored in the cross, May you receive hope for tomorrow, and his resurrection power to restore all things and may receive power by His Spirit to go to be sent. This message is too good to stay here. Father God.

Shane Rogers 52:11
We sent your goodness as we feed on your faithfulness. God, I thank you that you have empowered and emboldened your church. For God, I'm reminded of the scripture that you told the disciples, as you reminded them, when you said peace be with you. You are connecting them to the perfect peace that you give. And you are connecting them with what you said to Joshua all those years ago, be strong and very courageous. Don't be afraid. Don't hunker down. Don't be dismayed. I'm with you. I will always be with you. And in this storm, and then the next storm and in the next storm, we will anchor ourself on the rock of Christ, Jesus, and every wave in every wind. And every storm that comes will be another example. And another demonstration of resurrection power in our lives. And we give you praise for that. In Jesus name. Amen. And amen. Thank you for tuning in. And we're going to do something special in the next few moments. And we're just gonna invite you to stay on if you'd like, we're just gonna play one more song. And just allow this song to really minister to you, minister to you, by the Spirit of God we're asking him to breathe once again into your spirit we just want close your eyes and sit there on your couch or wherever you're at watching and just allow the Spirit of Jesus to minister to your soul. God bless you and have an awesome day.

Unknown Speaker 54:20
Beautiful and glorious. Your Greatness is unsearchable. Another bride and morning saw Jesus you out Shy the bride son, King of Kings and Lord of lords. You will reign for ever. The other slay and resin lab. In Die will see do sa

Unknown Speaker 55:01
This is my beloved This is my friend love Him and to the end time and Dawn see face to face Oh joy T beautiful and Gloria is your cradle skis on search and you're the prize and Morningstar cheeser see you Wow shine sign king of tea. You will rain for the spray resin lab and I will see you you are below. In whoa V. G is key

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Feeding on His Faithfulness
Broadcast by