New Wine

Shane Rogers 0:00
All right welcome to the live stream I wasn't turned on We're so glad you came to join us on this Sunday way today and forever and that you never fail and so our hope does not disappoint but it is secure Lee founded on the rock Christ Jesus and we thank you for that in Jesus name And all God's people said amen amen God bless you come on let's worship him mad or she has given me from all he has said my feed I'll see you shut

Unknown Speaker 1:59
up you there's no

Unknown Speaker 2:29
desire and if you have a me I'll see you my

Unknown Speaker 2:51
my shot

Unknown Speaker 3:14

Unknown Speaker 3:54
I'll see You present

Unknown Speaker 4:49

Unknown Speaker 4:55
my family dress in time Young merci never fails be oh my I've been held in your head from the moment that I wake up and to love them my hair oh why we'll see of the goodness of God

Unknown Speaker 6:08
and you have been full

Shane Rogers 6:17
you have been so good your voice you have and then you work cause like I have known you as a father I'm knowing you re and die Have a good day you have to have every breath bye bye Good day with my life this is funny with my life if you have you have been so

Shane Rogers 9:31
good for you hi we'll see Good to see we got to thank you for this moment. Or we can step into your presence and your goodness. Lo, we want to take it for granted. We don't want to take these moments for granted. I'm thinking about the loved ones that I've learned not to take for granted. I'm learning God to trust you. In the middle of a storm, I'm, I'm learning what it looks like to truly be the church and Jesus, it's in these moments where you're bringing something new and fresh into us. And Father, I thank you that our hope is firmly anchored in you. God, I'm asking in this moment that your presence would be more evident than ever before, in every living room, across the nation as people gathering. I'm asking you church to gather with me in this moment and pray for the church, because there are millions of homes that have become the church, living rooms just like yours, where people are gathered. Some of them are grieving the loss of a loved one some of them are hanging on for dear life as a loved one is fighting for their life. And wherever they are. Jesus is right in the middle. He not only is our hope, but He grieves with us. And so Jesus, we look to you and i Father, I pray that you would do something to unite your church like never before in this moment on this Sunday across the nation. And we give you praise for that in Jesus name, a man and Amen. Come on, let's just thank God wherever you are, I want to thank the worship team. I want to thank our team, our tiny little team, we've even stripped it down from last week, we have two less people here than we did last week, because we're really trying to honor what what the government has asked and honor wisdom in that moment. And, and so our stripped down team right here is doing an incredible job to bring this message to you. So thank you, thank you, thank you to the few that are here, six feet apart. Because this is this is truly a miracle. I got to grab my pulpit. And so as I said, I'm preaching a message today that I believe is gonna gonna help you, I believe it's going to bless all of us. And this message is one of four that I prepared this week.

Shane Rogers 13:20
Typically, we're in a series and I kind of know where we're headed. But in these times, man, they don't teach you this in seminary, how to lead and Pastor not only your home, your, your yourself, your friends, but but a church is these are unique times. And I really want to make sure that each and every time we gather that I'm doing my very best to, to preach a message and communicate something that would be on God's heart for now. And so we're going to read a couple of scriptures, and I'm gonna share some some thoughts with you. I don't have all the answers, but I want to go to the one that does. And I want to start with the Scripture. And Isaiah 43, verse 19, and it's a familiar passage, it's gonna sort of highlight where we're headed this morning, and it says this, behold, I'm doing a new thing. Tap your neighbor, tap your friend, your wife, your kids, and tell him, he's doing a new thing. I'm doing a new thing. Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. And so this is this is what we're going after. This is what we believe. And so it's with that I want to pick up a story in the book of John. And it's a familiar story because it's Jesus's first miracle. Like I said, we're not currently going through a series in John and if you're visiting, you know, our church online right now. This is not a series we're in but man, I'll tell you what God really brought me to this passage, and so I want to, I want to read through it and then give some thoughts. And it starts in John chapter two. And we're gonna start reading verse one, it'll be up on the screen, it says this. On the third day, there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus also was invited to the wedding with His disciples. Now notice the disciples that they were not there to serve at the wedding, they were actually invited to the wedding as guests with Jesus. Verse three, when the wine ran out, oh my gosh, the mother of Jesus said to him, they have no wine. And Jesus said to her woman, woman, that was not a derogatory term, although in this day and age, it would be so don't do that. Okay. When she said her woman, what does this have to do with me, My hour has not yet come. And his mother just turned to the disciples and said, Do whatever he tells you. Now, there was six stone water jars, each holding 20 or 30 gallons. Jesus said to the servants, fill the jars with water, and they filled them up to the brim. And he said to them, now, go draw out and take it to the master of the feast. So they took it. And when the master of the feast tasted the water, now having become wine, and did not know where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water, they knew the master of the feast called the bright bridegroom, and said to everyone serves the good wine first. And then when people have drunk freely, and they're kind of a little tipsy, then the poor wine, but you have kept the good wine. Until now.

Shane Rogers 17:04
This was the first of his signs Jesus did at Cana, in Galilee. God, we just want to pray one more time over your word, pray that You would speak that it wouldn't be my words communicated through this Facebook stream. But truly, you would speak something of life into our souls, as we look to you, and I thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Well, it's kind of interesting, because as I, as I was studying, and as I said, I went through about four different versions of a sermon to prepare this, but where God brought me was that passage, and after I started studying it, I it dawned on me that there was actually a wedding that I was going to be in this week. And I know you're thinking like, wow, how did you forget you were in a wedding? Well, obviously, in the in the times that we're living, a wedding is a little difficult to come by. And there's been a lot of different versions of this wedding, as the days and weeks have changed significantly. And so it just kind of wasn't on the forefront. But nevertheless, I just want to pause for a moment and say, congratulations to the couple that actually did in the midst of all of this get married yesterday. And I actually have a picture if you just throw it up there. And this is Dan and Shawna, this was yesterday. And oh, my gosh, breathtaking. What an incredible couple. They are our youth pastors here, our youth directors here at the church. I've known Shawna since I was little, and Dan and his whole family are pillars in our church here in Escondido. Dancer Shauna, we love you with all of our hearts. So proud of you guys. And I know that the community that's all watching right now echoes that, that we're really proud of you now, don't get freaked out because it wasn't a wedding, like you're thinking. It was much like the studio that we're in right now. It was a church open their doors, luckily, to a studio. And there was a few people there to just facilitate the cameras and different things like that. And then they streamed it live so that way just friends could or family could could watch online, and then they're gonna actually have their full ceremony in August. But they didn't want to wait till August to get married. And can you blame them? So love you guys.

Shane Rogers 19:29
I was so I was thinking about weddings. And obviously Jesus is at a wedding. And this is the story we're kind of leaning into. And I was thinking about just the the beautiful New Beginnings that that weddings represent. And I think that's one of the reasons besides the fact that's romantic. One of the reasons why everybody loves a wedding is because it's just like this is two lives becoming one and think about the new relationships. We think about the new adventures and dreams that lie ahead for this family. We think about the new rhythms like starting tomorrow, Dan, and Shauna and anybody else that got married, they're literally starting a brand new rhythm this morning, as they're waking up in the same house, and they're learning how to brush their teeth together and have coffee together and all just like fun things, new rhythms of life in every facet. And then ultimately, maybe one day, new life, beginning. And I just, I just love that. Remember when, when you got married, and the significance of those moments, and so here we find ourselves in Jesus is coming to this wedding. And I don't know if you ever thought about it, but like, God was the, the creator of this marriage institution, he thought of it, he brought it together, and the Bible says to become one flesh. And so Jesus, the one who made comes to make all things new, right? And the Bible says that we are His Bride. So Jesus is coming to this wedding, I imagine it was extremely special for Jesus. And certainly special for everybody that was there. Imagine Jesus and flesh coming to your wedding and, and so here we find ourselves. A crisis breaks out that only wine. Now, listen, this, his sermon is not about wine. And I'm not trying to make a case for it either way. But I am saying that there definitely was a crisis because in those days wine, they drank it like water, and a wedding went for like a week. And so to say that you didn't have wine would be like saying, we ran out of food, were quarantined in the house, and like, we don't have toilet paper, it was a necessity. And so it was a bit of an emergency. And so Jesus lends itself in this, this crisis. And I want to pause and recognize that Jesus didn't cause this crisis. In fact, the text says that Jesus was a little cough, cough guard. And he said to his mom, member woman, what does this have to do with me, my time has even come yet, like, I'm not even doing that just yet. I know, you know, I'm the miracle worker, but I'm just sort of trying to be a guest here. And nevertheless, he was called upon. And so I don't know if it was, you know, a wedding planner oversight. I don't know if they were just drinking a little bit too much the first couple of days. But nevertheless, they find themselves in a crisis. And Jesus steps in. And I just want to pause for a moment. Because I've heard a lot of different messages online. And, you know, from pulpits and different people speculating about the virus, and the crisis that we are in. I've heard people make connotations that are referring to maybe God is judging the earth, maybe he's judging the sinfulness of the world. And listen, I, I am well aware that we live in a sinful world, there's no question about it. And and we are living with the choices of humanity starting in the garden all the way until now. But I can tell you from from this pulpit from this church, from this pastor, my firm belief in that is, God is not behind this virus, he did not cause it, it's not his desire to wipe out any body. In fact, God

Shane Rogers 23:26
sent His Son into this fallen world and Gods Jesus said about God, that God did not send me Jesus into the world to condemn the world, but to but that the world might be saved through me. And so I just want to say that, that there will be a day when all of us have to give an account for our actions, and God is a righteous judge. But that day is not today, scripture has made it very clear that we are living in the Grace Age. And that doesn't mean that our actions don't matter. It just means that there is salvation through Jesus, and he did not come nor is the Holy Spirit here to bring judgment on the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. And so we live in a fallen world and there's difficult things that happen. And listen, that's a huge nother conversation about how and why bad things are even allowed to happen in the world. And I don't have all those answers. But I know that our God is good. And I know that he is not in the background, somehow trying to leverage all the catastrophes to judge people according to their sin. In fact, he is creating a humungous, wide door in the person of Jesus simply saying, Listen, it's a free gift. Not only can you have salvation, but you can have hope today and so if you You're kind of one of those that's wondering Is God judging the world, I just want to give a sense of security and peace to you that, that God is simply using this opportunity to bring people to himself and to save the world and not condemn it. So the result of this crisis, and that's kind of where I want to get to the result of this crisis was new wine, new wine, there was a crisis, and everyone didn't know what they're gonna do. And Jesus literally used it as an opportunity to bring something new. Now, everyone's saying that, that this crisis is going to change the way that we do life. And I have no doubt. I mean, listen, I think that, that there's going to be some dramatic shifts in the church, I think that there's already dramatic shifts in business and how people interact, because of what we're learning throughout all this not just to bring safety to the world, but also realizing how we can leverage technology and, you know, 100, different ways that the world is going to change. And I think that a lot of them are going to be for the positive, I hope. But what I've been thinking about all week is, is anyone asking how God is using this thing? This these circumstances to change? Things? And I know, you're probably thinking, Well, wait a minute, I thought you just said that. God didn't, didn't, you didn't cause this crisis. And he did not cause this crisis. But the best wine, I don't want you to miss this, I'm gonna put this up there on the lower third, the best wine always comes from the struggle. And if there was a thesis for what I felt like the Lord wanted to say to us today, and it's this, the best wine always comes from

Shane Rogers 26:56
the struggle. So in verse 10, it says that you have saved the good wine until now. So the the master of the feast is saying, like, you've saved the good wine until now, we had wine before. But then this crisis happened, there was this, all this tension. And now the good wine comes. And this is a this is a principle in life. And we see it in the garden of Yosemite. Those of you who know me know that I talk about Israel all the time, because I was able to go there in September, and one of the significant moments for me was in the Garden of Gethsemane. Because this was a moment where I realized that somebody actually means all of press or place of crashing. In fact, I got a tattoo that I'm gonna bother showing you, but it's an olive tree, because the olive tree represents tree of resurrection, it literally has a resurrection, as it continues to be rebirth over and over again. And as Jesus was in the garden, there's actually an all of press in the garden. And that was what this place was known for, is it was a place of pressing olives. And somebody asked me once, what, what is olive oil cost? And I love this answer that a preacher that I that I know and respect gave to the answer to the question, what is olive oil cost? Well, I think that it's different in this grocery store and different in this part of the world and in different other other places on the planet. But the real question, the real answer to what all what does all of oil cost is ask the all of the all of had to absolutely give its life for the sake of the olive oil. In order to get olive oil, you have to crush the olive, and that's what Jesus experienced in the garden. It was a place of crushing he literally sweat blood, because he was being pressed. In that moment. It wasn't something he asked for. And God certainly didn't create the circumstances. It's a fallen world that Jesus found himself in And nevertheless, a place of crushing, created the most beautiful sacrifice that you and I are still experiencing. And what I wrote here was that what made the fragrance from the garden so powerful is that Jesus came to the end. Don't miss this Jesus came to the end of himself and yielded himself to God Remember when Jesus said not my will, but yours be done? But listen, if you can, if you can take this cup from me, then do it but not my will. I'm yielded to you in a place of crushing and I'm not standing before you with like a bunch of answers. In light of of where we find ourselves in. But I am a fellow husband, father, and I'll tell you what, I'm feeling crushed. Are you are you feeling pressed? Have you have you come to the end? Have Yourself last week I talked a little bit about sort of being in the long middle. And it's funny like after I preached the message I got home in the very next day it was like, I actually felt like it was in the long middle. I almost felt like a little claustrophobic. But I'm standing for you today, not necessarily feeling crossed, claustrophobic or like the long middle, I just feel like I I've, I have used all of my leadership skills, I have used all of my, my pastoral muscles and my, you know, my know how to be a husband and a father. And I'm just kind of like at the end of myself. And Jesus reminded me of a second Corinthians, again, a familiar passage, chapter 12, verse nine, nine says this, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness. And so the best wine comes from the struggle, that that God is doing something in the middle of this. And he's doing it through the pressing, not because he created this not because he wants people to hurt not because he's in death, or suffering in any way, shape, or form. But God never misses an opportunity to bring new wine.

Shane Rogers 31:18
And so we go to the next part of the story. What's interesting about verse nine is it says, when the master of the feast, tasted the water, now become wine and did not know where it came from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew, and that was sort of like the highlight No, though the servants knew the disciples, they knew where to come from, because they were the ones that were drawing the wind, see everybody at the party, All they knew is that we were out of wine. And then somehow, the wedding host brings out more wine. And then this more wine was even better than they had before. And they totally missed what really happened. In fact, they didn't even know really, that there was a crisis, but the disciples the servants, they, they experienced the miracle. See, I think I'm going back to the wedding. Because that's, that's where this took place. And I was I was at a wedding, as I said, yesterday, and I was thinking about the fact that this miracle of a wedding, the miracle is not that two people get to share a bank account. But the miracle is not that two people can can have a child, although that's that's amazing. But but but that's not the miracle of a wedding, or a marriage. The miracle of a marriage is the Bible says that to become one to individuals, to individual personalities, to individual trajectories to individual plans, they become one flesh. So this is the miracle. Unfortunately, you and I, we we know far too many couples who went through the ceremony who said I do, they went on a honeymoon and they got the pictures and, and they moved in together and they shared bank accounts. Unfortunately, they missed, they missed the miracle. They missed what what was happening, they missed becoming one. And inevitably, most of the cases is that they end up separating, because the crushing the struggle of becoming one was too difficult. They woke up one day and said, Man, I didn't sign up for this, like I didn't sign up for, for sacrificing who I am and my dreams and my passions for this person. And all of a sudden you drift apart and realize that hey, we're on two different trajectories and and yet those of us who who are married and have experienced the blessing of it, realize that they're the best wine comes from the struggle. I'll tell you what, I don't have a perfect marriage. I've been married for almost 17 years. And my wife's my best friend, I Heather, she's watching and she makes me better. And those of you who know or would say that she's actually better. She's a better person than I am truly and 100% and, and I realized in my marriage that if it was going to work, if we were going to become one if I was not just going to step stand on the peripheral and watch this miracle happen, but step into it and be changed, then I was gonna have to let go some things and first and foremost it was me being selfish. I was selfish and Heather came along and and helped me realize that in order to become one and experience, the blessing of marriage than I was going to have to go through the struggle and be pressed and when I did we Both experience something beautiful. And I think that, that there's a message there, and I don't this is not messages in our marriage, although I hope that helps you. But this message is about that there's blessing in the struggle, that that life is not perfect. And God isn't going around trying to, to plan horrible things that we go through. We go through horrible things, because we are in a fallen world, and God has given everybody free real will, including the people that give you a really hard time. That is their prerogative, and yet God uses it because the best wine comes from the struggle that really does. And so my challenge to us is, don't miss the opportunity to ask God, what is he doing in me? In this time? What is he doing in my relationships? What new thing? Is he helping me see, in my relationships in my personal life and in our church in that church, and I wrote a few things down, as it relates to what I feel like he's doing in us personally.

Shane Rogers 36:11
And this is this is kind of coming from what he's doing me but but I would assume that you're not too far behind. I think that he's teaching us how to trust him. That's kind of like a churchy thing and trust in the Lord with all your heart and looks like that's what you learn in Sunday school. But in times like these we ask ourselves, and and we are faced with, do I actually trust him. And I was drawn to a verse in Psalm chapter 20, and verse seven. And it says this, some trust in chariots, and some trust in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord, our God, we trust in the name of the Lord, our God. And I was kind of like thinking about the name, the name of the Lord, the name of Lord, we trust in the name of the Lord. And that's significant. Because when, when Moses was in his crisis, and when, when he didn't know what to do, and he was at the burning bush, and God was talking to him about going and being the savior of his people, and Moses was freaking out and God and Moses was like, God, what am I gonna say to these people? Who sent me? And God says, Tell them I am tell them my name is I am, in other words, I am whatever you need. And I guess my question that, that we're forced to ask ourselves is, what name? Do I associate with God that I really trust in and I was thinking about names, even for me personally, all of us are in this boat. I've got a lot of different names that I go by, and, and what you call me, says a lot about our relationship. Right? So I've got some people who call me Mr. Rogers. And those people are either either have a fascination with Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, which isn't helpful because I don't. Or those people are telemarketers on the phone calling me Mr. Rogers, and again, tells them about my our relationship, some people call me shaders. And those people I've known for a very long time, and there aren't very many of those people. I'm not offended by that name. It's just you don't call me shaders, unless you knew me. When I was a young boy or a teenager. Some people call me, Pastor, and that says a little bit about our relationship here in Escondido, and some people call me coach. And that says a lot about my relationship with you or your kids as my privilege to coach their soccer team. And some people call me Pastor coach, because they don't know which hat I'm wearing, because I'm their pastor and their coach. And that's always a fun one. But what you call me, defines how you know me. And I think that it's true about God, and we're learning that as we ask ourselves, do we trust him? Do we know him? And, and I think that that's one of the deep things that God is doing in us is He's helping us get to know him. At a more personal level. I know that this is true about me that that I want to trust God that He is my strong tower, that he is the faithful one. Listen, if you're praying for a loved one who's sick, which I am, because I have a faithful friend who's sick right now and I'm bleeding for him. And so I'm getting to know my Heavenly Father as the healer that that is his name. That is the person that I trust in over chariots and over horses over the doctors. I trust in the name of the Lord that He is Java Rafa, my healer. And that's who he is. Some people just know God is God. And the big man upstairs and listen, if that's where you are in your walk, that's not an insult. That's a starting place. But I believe that God is wanting to do something new in you, because the best wine comes from the struggle. And if you're holding on, and you're believing for something, I hear the Lord calling you and inviting you in to know him at a deeper level, know his name and his character at a deeper level.

Shane Rogers 40:30
Second thing is I think he's doing something in our relationships. I don't know about you, but I've talked to my, my family members more in the past two weeks than I probably have in six months. I'm not proud of that, but not always faithful to stay in real close contact with my family. And yet, we jump on zooms, and we jump on phone calls and face times, now more than ever, because I have learned and am learning that we were created for relationships, we are learning what's really important. I think that that's something new that God is doing. We were created for personal touch. Listen, this six feet apart thing, I think is wise, and I think we should do it. But man, oh, man, it's hard. And even if you're not like a physical touch person, like you have to admit, having that sense of isolation is hard. And we're learning that God has created us to be in relationship, He's created us to have compassion for one another. And hi, I believe that God is doing something new in the world, as it relates to people that we would learn to slow down, that we would learn to see when another value one another like never, before I know that that God is, is teaching me that. And lastly, I think that he's doing something corporately with the church. I think that he is teaching us that we need to be the church and not do church. I think that across the nation and the globe, it's easy to get into a rhythm of doing church, I go to church, I go to small group. And that's what I do. And now we are learning that listen, if we can do all the religious stuff we want, but if we have not love, we have nothing. And so Jesus is breathing something new in this struggle in the struggle of how do we even do church? I don't know, I've never done this before. But I'm leaning into what does it look like to be the church, maybe church isn't just a service, maybe churches, not a sermon, maybe churches, the people, the body leading into love and care and be there for one another, and put Jesus at the center of it. That is beautiful. It's what he came and died for. And that is what comes from the struggle. I think God is calling us to this. And I want to land on this, on land on this. My last observation is that in the story, the wine wasn't for them. Those that were a part of the miracle, those that got to see it those that carried the wine, it wasn't for them. It wasn't just for them. It was for the world. It was for those that were going to be partakers of this goodness. And I just wrote here, we are meant to be carriers of this beautiful expression of our loving Heavenly Father to the world like a cup of cold water in a dry and parched land. See I'm doing a new thing. Can you not see it? I am bringing a river in the desert. I'm making a way where there seems to be no way and so God do something in me. So you can do something through me. My prayer in this time, is that we wouldn't as the church frantically just try to figure out how do I stay healthy? And how do I make sure that my 401k is okay, and how do I you know, manage with the little resources we have? I mean, listen, there's practical things you got to do. But man, let's shift our focus to the one that created it all. And let's begin to ask the question, Jesus, what are you doing in the midst of this crisis that you did not create? What are you doing in me? What are you forming in me in the middle of this struggle? What's the beautiful thing that will emerge so that I might be carriers of that to a world that desperately needs it? I'm pray for you. Jesus. We recognize today. In the midst of not having the answers, we fall on the mercy seat of the reality that your ways are much higher than our why ways your thoughts higher than our thoughts. But Jesus, we know that when we trust in you, that we can mount up like wings. As eagles, we can run and not grow weary, we can walk and not grow faint. And so Father, I pray that as we come to the end of ourselves, and we realize your strength is made perfect in this moment, God would you forge in us something brand new.

Shane Rogers 45:31
Would you help us be the people that have eyes to see, and ears to hear what you're doing, so that we might be the conduit, for your goodness to the world. And I thank you for in Jesus name, a man and Amen. Thank you so much for being a part of our Heart Church. Family, I want to highlight a couple of things as we close our service online. One is that, thank you, for those who are continuing to be faithful contributors to our church. And there's gonna be a slide that goes up that just kind of highlights the ways you can give but the easiest way just go our website Heart Church And there's, there's a link there that will get you to, you know, ability to pay online, but most of you that call Heart Church home have already found that link. And I just want to say thank you, from the on behalf of the church council, as we continue to process through our finances, obviously, we still have a building to pay rent for, and we're trying to continue to be the church. And so thank you for contributing to that if you don't go to our church, and you're just looking for, for a way to be a blessing, then we'd love for you to take this opportunity. And so a love gift to our church. Secondly, I want to highlight the fact that as we are, you know, just accepting the reality that this, this might be a little bit more time, maybe another month, maybe another two months, who knows until we can gather again. We're working behind the scenes to create venues of community. And so one of those places is going to be what we're calling zoom groups. And that's just some friends getting together on Zoom. And man, I just I want to see all your faces. I need that I want to hear your voice. And so we're going to create different platforms for that. So that way we can get together as a community and love on one another pray for one another. And so I just want to say God bless you keep tuning in, keep leaning into community keep leaning into Jesus and one another. And I know that good things are gonna come from it. God bless you, and have an awesome Sunday.

Transcribed by

New Wine
Broadcast by